GW’s Bringing Blackstone Fortress Rules to 40k Day 1

blackstone fortress

Renegade Guardsmen, New Chaos Space Marines, and now hints at Matched Play points for 40k Don’t miss the latest reveals on Blackstone Fortress!

Games Workshop says their newest game provides hours of fun and a new experience every time you play it. Perhaps the best part is that set also includes rules for everything, as well as data cards and points for Matched Play in Warhammer 40k.

GW’s Bringing Blackstone Fortress Rules to 40k Day 1

GW's Bringing Blackstone Fortress Rules to 40k Day 1

Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress is the basis for a brand-new series that’ll expand your game and allow you to continue your adventures. Future expansions will contain new battles to fight, enemies to conquer and champions to choose from. You can buy Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress in the confidence that the game will be supported for a long, long time to come.

With such incredible models in the set, we want to give you every excuse possible to use them in your games. If you like a particular explorer and want to bring your favourite hostiles from the set to your battles, you’ll be able to do so with the included datasheets and matched play points in the set.

So it looks like from day one you will be able to add any of these models into your existing Warhammer 40k armies with the datasheets, and points costs included.

Even more exciting is that they will also be coming out with more expansions into the future as well! More new models for 40k now, and in the future as well- Thanks GW!

Now let’s take a look at the 44 sweet new minis:


blackstone fortress

Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress is an adventure game that puts you in the heart of an unfolding mystery in the 41st Millennium. Working with your friends, you’ll use your wits to battle right to the heart of an ancient citadel, pursuing hidden agendas and attempting to discover its secrets. Using an innovative system of procedural generation, no two adventures will be the same, with new layouts, enemies and more in every play through.

Looks like true to its Warhammer Quest name, Blackstone fortress may emulate the cool play style and adventure generation of Silver Tower.

blackstone fortress

In Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress, you’ll pick an explorer and embark on adventures – either solo or with your friends – accommodating 1-5 players per game. Your character will grow, develop and pick up new gear between runs, with each journey offering greater rewards – and greater dangers.

Even the Character cards look very similar to Silver Tower, with spaces for their action dice included on the cards as well.

blackstone fortressMiniature wise, two more names of characters have been confirmed as:

  • Navigator Espern Locarno
  • Missionary Zealot Pious Vorne

blackstone fortress

Take the forces of Chaos – as well as a set of stunning new Chaos Space Marines, you’ll find stranger foes not glimpsed in decades: Traitor Guardsmen, mechanized Cultists, and even Beastmen.

Re-appearing after nearly 30 years are Beastmen in the Grim Dark future, along with Traitor Guardsmen, Mechanized Cultists, Psykers, and even new Chaos Space Marines.

blackstone fortress


Check out these scale references to the size of these new Chaos Space Marines

new chaos scale

From this, it looks like the new models may be more on point size-wise with Primaris Marines.



blackstone fortress

After being discontinued by Forge World, it looks like Renegade Guardsmen are once again becoming more available for followers of the Ruinous Powers! The set appears to come with 14 new models, all spectacular in design, you know, for a guardsman!

You can pre-order your copy of Blackstone Fortress on November 10th and GW is expanding their pre-order time by a week. Look for Blackstone Fortress to hit shelves on Black(stone) Friday the 23rd of November for $150 US.

What are your thoughts on Blackstone Fortress?  With rules for 40k on day one are you all in on this one?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.