New Tzaangor Rules for Silver Tower Game Spotted!

Tzaangor Shamen

Tzaanuary is coming to an end, but it’s not over yet. Come check out the latest Tzaangor unit rules for Silver Tower, and see what all the hype is about!

These new rules for Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower were just spotted, let’s take a look.


Images Courtesy of Scanner

Tzaangor Rules Silver Tower

There’s a lot to take in on this one page, but the main things to know are you have to take 3 Tzaangor Skyfires, each time you inflict a wound on an adjacent hero you get to immediately perform another attack against the same hero using your Vicious Beak, and roll dice every time you fly over a hero to see if your disc inflicts damage.

Tzaangor Rules Silver Tower

This one consists of 3 Tzaangor Enlightened units, extra attack with Vicious Beak if it inflicts a wound on an adjacent hero, flying disc damage, as seen above, and you get to re-roll any failed hit rolls for that model if it was wounded during the hero phase but not killed.

Tzaangor Rules Silver Tower

This is going to be your Tzaangor Shaman card. If you roll a 6 for the attack roll when using Boom of Mutation the unit suffers D6 damage instead of D3. You’re also going to get the Swooping Strike (5+) where you move then make a Disc’s Lacerating Blades action without having to spend a hero dice.

Overall this is a lot of information to take in, but with all new games, it’s nice to get a little bit of a heads up on what you can expect to see from the rules. What are your thoughts? We’d like to hear them, please leave them in the comments below.

Pro Tip: Stay Stealth

silver tower

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