Warhammer Beastgrave New Warband Preview

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Beastgrave is the next expansion into Warhammer Underworld’s and it’s first Warband outside of the mains set has been revealed as Rippas Snarlfangs!

Warhammer Community announced Rippas Snarlfangs as the first Warband coming to Beastgrave outside of the main starter set. Numbers might not be a strong suit in this Warband, but the models look amazing!

Warhammer Beastgrave’s Rippa’s Snarflangs Warband Previewed

Straight outta the old Orc’s & Goblins Army book, Wolf Riders are back!

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Out of a video preview, a Warband of Grots riding wolves appeared to be the first Warband coming to Beastgrave in their own box. While there might only be three models, this Warband looks extra killy. Grots on their own are the weakest race among the others in Age of Sigmar. But they know just how to fight unfair and bring the enemy to their knees.

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What better mount for a Grot to ride than an angry wolf? Their main worry is to not fall off their mount and become their next meal.

This pack of Snarlfang-riding grots are leaner, meaner and more muscular than their Moonclan mates, and will be raiding their way across Warhammer Underworlds: Beastgrave before too long!

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Things to think about with such a low model-count Warband are activations. You shouldn’t move and charge unless you absolutely have to as you won’t be able to activate them again later in the turn. And with only three models, you’ll essentially have an activation that you can’t do anything but draw a card.

What do you think about these Grot riders? Do you think they could be the fastest Warband to hit Warhammer Underworlds? How many wounds do you think they’ll have a piece? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter (with discount coupon codes) each morning as well!