Honest Solutions to Competitive 40k

By Rob Baer | October 16th, 2015 | Categories: Long War TV, Podcast, Webcast

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Is it time to make hobby scores and player policed comp a bigger part of major 40k tournaments, and if so would more players attend events that encourage more hobbying?

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Another Long War Two-Fer is HERE – Checkout our fantastical webcast and new and exciting podcast of table-top wargaming awesomeness.



Honest 40k Solutions

In our latest podcast we talk about some honest solutions to 40k tournaments, starting with giving the power back to the players to police themselves.  Is it time to make hobby scores and player policed comp a bigger part of major tournaments? Will more casual player/collectors start attending events that put the emphasis back on hobby and sportsmanship instead of winning at call cost combos?


Honest 40k Solutions – Episode 22

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Our webcast is always happening every Wednesday night at 8pm over on the Long War Google Plus page. It’s time to bring the hobby back to wargaming BABY! The Long War is HERE, come celebrate the hobby in a hangout with us! We cover everything hobby wise from table top war games like Warhammer 40k, and X-wing.

Whether it’s building, converting, painting or playing with your models, the Long War has you covered. Don’t miss our brand new podcast too. The Long War is streaming strong, all day long!

Join us for our ‘After Hours’ tournament talk, hobby insights, and more!  We’ll also be discussing new army lists, submissions, and YOUR questions as well via the Wednesday night webcast. Tabletop Market Watch, Tournament Talk with Juice, and Listener Q&A from the Wednesday webcast.

 Webcast Event Page