April White Dwarf Review: AoS Stormcast Index Rules & More

By Rob Baer | April 8th, 2019 | Categories: White Dwarf

AoS Stormcast Index Rules Revealed in April White Dwarf 2019

The newest edition of White Dwarf is here for April 2019! Come and see what is new for some of your favorite Games Workshop product lines!

Fresh off of the heels of Adepticon 2019 Games Workshop has released the latest edition of the White Dwarf Magazine. Join us for a look at what is new for some of your favorite games, and what GW has planned for the Stormcast Eternal faction for Age of Sigmar.


Before we crack the pages of this new book it is worth mentioning that this edition does come shrink-wrapped with this cool Munchkin 40k bookmark that may or may not have some bearing on your games. So if you picked up 40k Munchkin then this might be a fun bonus for you as well.

Now let’s get into the book.


Along with the Paint Splatter section for Stormcast in this issue, there are small painting guides scattered throughout as well. It’s a nice little smattering of small recipes to achieve the look you are going for using different GW color schemes.


The Tome Celestial section is where you will find all the hot new Stormcast Eternal rules along with new Warscroll Battalions, amazing new backstory, and new art for the Stormcast Eternal faction.


Moving on to the Weathering Master Class section of the April White Dwarf. This is an interesting article that set the internet on fire a bit with the Airbrush featured on the bottom right page. Just by the trigger shape, the way that the tip is formed, and the removable paint cup leads us to believe that this is a Harder & Steenbeck airbrush most likely an Infinity model. But all speculation aside this is a great article and definitely worth a read if you want to learn how to do some sick weathering on your minis.

This new White Dwarf is worth picking up if you play Stormcast or are looking for some painting tips.

As always, keep those hobby muscles strong, stay in the trenches, and check out our White Dwarf April 2019 video below.