Earning Your Black Sun Stripes: Star Wars X-Wing

By Barclay Montgomery | August 28th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

black sun

Black Sun Soldiers will test their mettle in X-Wing, and if they don’t make it, they better go out fighting! N’Dru Suhlak will make sure they perform.Black Sun Soldier

The Scum faction is back and they are ready for tryouts. Black Sun Soldiers are being recruited, and if they don’t make the cut, then they better go out fighting. These little Z-95s may not pack a punch individually, but 3 of them can do some serious damage. Especially if they have some nifty Illicit tech options. Dead Man's Switch

These Black Sun Soldiers will all be equipped with Dead Man’s Switch to give them utility even if they are destroyed. This Illicit tech makes them kamikaze pilots as when they are destroyed, each ship at Range 1 suffers 1 damage. These guys will go out with a bang!Harpoon Missiles

To make them even more dangerous, equip each one with Harpoon Missiles. This 4 attack ordnance upgrade can deal some serious damage at Range 2-3, and can also deal even more after their target has been given the Harpooned! Condition card. Munitions Failsafe

To make sure that these recruits don’t miss their targets, go with Munitions Failsafe. This modification upgrade will makes sure that Harpoon Missiles will hit their mark, since the Black Sun Soldiers will not have to discard their munitions if they did not hit. To make sure that the Black Sun Soldiers get the job done, N’Dru Suhlak will be leading this sortie.

N'dru Suhlak

N’Dru can hang in the back of the pack in order to make use of his pilot ability. When N’Dru is attacking, if no friendly ships are in range 1-2, roll 1 additional attack die. This adds a die whether he attacks with his primary weapon or munitions, so N’Dru has a nasty surprise for both his enemies and the Black Sun Soldiers. Assault Missiles

The life of a Black Sun Soldier is cheap, and Assault Missiles makes that very true once they go off. N’Dru can fire Assault Missiles, and if he is not at range 1-2 of a friendly, can fire 5 attack dice at his target. If Assault Missiles hit, each ship at range 1 of the defender suffers 1 damage. If your target happens to be surrounded by the Dead Man’s Switch equipped Black Sun Soldiers, it could cause a chain reaction of damage being dealt to your enemy. No t a bad day for the Black Sun!

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