Harpooned: X-Wing Guns For Hire Unboxing

By Juan Lopez | August 31st, 2017 | Categories: X-Wing 2.0

Star Wars Guns For Hire Post

Get ready Scum pilots to maneuver and harpoon and mimic your opponents with the new Guns For Hire Expansion Pack for Star Wars: X-Wing!

The Guns for Hire Expansion Pack takes the classic Vaksai and Star Viper mkii fighters and makes them stronger, faster, and better with new pilots, Two new Titles, and upgrades. It may not be out yet but we were able to get our hands on this expansion to unbox and review. This expansion will have to hold us over until the recently revealed Wave XII comes out. For now, here is a sample of our quick and dirty review to give you the lowdown on what you can expect to see in this new expansion.

For our complete review, be sure to scroll down and press play on the full video below.

Guns For Hire

Retailing for $29.95, the Guns For Hire Expansion Pack comes with 24 upgrade cards, 23 tokens, 2 dials, and 2 pre-painted fighters. The fighters have fresh, new paint schemes in this update and new pilots and Title cards as well. Included are 4 new condition cards: 2 Harpooned!, Mimicked, and Shadowed. One of these condition are not unique as well.

The are no new rules for these fighters in this expansion, save for the condition cards and those are easy to grasp.

Guns For Hire Conditions

This expansion really shines with the addition of the Condition cards. Now, Harpoon Missiles are 4 damage at a range of 2-3 dice. When it hits, 4 damage is inflicted then the Harpooned! condition takes effect. This could be great use against some Rebel ship builds that have formations that stay within Range 1 of each other. It is a little weak for what it does yet it forces your opponent to make choices. It won’t cost you anything and has the potential to pay off in spades when used. Harpoon is not unique, so you can run multiples. Shadowed and Mimicked are for the “Thweek” pilot card and allow you change either pilot skill or ability.

For more on pilot tactics and Titles, be sure to check out our full review video below!

Guns for Hire Expansion Pack: $29.95

Guns for Hire

The Scum and Villainy aces expansion for X-Wing™, Guns for Hire adds tremendous versatility to the faction’s Kihraxz fighters and StarVipers. Both are represented by miniatures with eye-catching alternative paint schemes, and you’ll find a handful of ambitious new pilots eager to fly them, as well as two new Titles and other upgrades with which you can get them combat-ready. Altogether, the expansion comes with two starfighter miniatures, eight ship cards, twelve upgrades, and four condition cards, plus all the maneuver dials, bases, and tokens you need to send your hired guns to battle!

The Guns For Hire Expansion Pack is slated to release soon. You can place a pre-order at your FLGS. Be sure to press play on our quick and dirty review video below for the full product breakdown.

For more on the Guns For Hire Expansion Pack and all things Star Wars; X-Wing, visit Games Workshop!