Inferno Squadron Making An Impact: X-Wing 2.0

By Barclay Montgomery | August 10th, 2023 | Categories: Squad Marks, Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

inferno squadron

Inferno Squadron is ready to demolish any Rebels they encounter in X-Wing 2.0! Come and see the insane synergy these TIE Fighters can accomplish together!

Inferno Squadron Making An Impact: X-Wing 2.0

Inferno Squadron Making An Impact: X-Wing 2.0

Inferno Squadron is blasting onto the space-ways in X-Wing 2.0 and they smell blood. The main game-plan of Inferno ships is going after wounded prey. The start the this squadron will be Seyn Marana.

At initiative 4, Seyn will get this party started; while Seyn performs an attack, she may spend 1 critical result to deal 1 facedown damage card to the defender and cancel your remaining results. This may not seem like much, but it has fantastic synergy with the other Inferno squad-mates. Marksmanship

Rolling a crit result can be tricky with a primary attack of 2, but Seyn can get help with Marksmanship. While you perform an attack if the defender is in your bulls-eye arc, you may change 1 hit result to a crit. This gives you your crit to spend to get your facedown damage card on the defender.

Gideon Hask

Following up on Seyn Marana’s attack, Gideon Hask can add insult to injury. While Gideon performs an attack against a damaged defender, he may roll 1 additional die. Since Gideon is at initiative 4, you can fire right after you get Seyn to deal a facedown damage card, and have your extra attack die ready to roll!

Del Meeko

Not that the offense is covered, Del Meeko has the defense covered. While a friendly ship at range 0-2 defends against a damaged attacker, the defender may re-roll 1 defense die. This can boost all the ships in Inferno Squadron once Seyn starts the damage train going.

Inferno Squadron will benefit greatly from formation flying and can whittle down any enemy that dares face them. Will you join Inferno Squadron in X-Wing 2.0?

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