Star Wars X-Wing: a Closer Look at Wave 10

By Barclay Montgomery | August 10th, 2016 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming Products, X-Wing 2.0


The hottest Wave to hit X-Wing just might be Wave 10! There are more surprises than we could have ever bargained for this time! Let’s dive in.

A whole mess of crazy new upgrades and ships are coming with this expansion! Each faction gets an incredibly potent new ship. First up is Rebels.


A TIE Fighter for the Rebel faction?! You betcha! This TIE has been stolen from the Imperials and has been heavily modified by Sabine Wren, who has even given her personal touch by dubbing this ship Sabine’s Masterpiece.


This new title upgrade allows you to equip a crew as well as an Illicit upgrade! Wow, where did they find the room for all of that in such a small ship. Only the Rebels know, and you will too once you pick up this new ship.

swx60_layoutThe biggest ship in this expansion has to be the new Upsilon class shuttle. Mainly used to transport Kylo Ren, I forsee this being the new transport for Emperor Palpatine. The newest upgrade to hit the expansion will be the addition of Condition Cards.


Condition Cards apply persistent effects to ships that certain upgrade cards may apply to certain ships. For example, the Kylo Ren crew card enables you to apply the “I’ll Show you the Dark Side” Condition to an enemy ship.



That ship will set aside a damage card with the Pilot trait, chosen by the Imperial player. Whenever that ship is dealt a faceup damage card, the Pilot damage card will immediately take effect. It’s a way to ensure that you choose the right critical to apply to the right ship at just the right time to ensure your victory.  A whole new way to play the game!


Another tricksy ship full of traps. The newest Scum faction ship is the Quadjumper. This ship has been reported to have no less than 6 speed 1 maneuvers! If my calculations are correct, maybe we will see speed 1 Koirogan turns or even speed 1 Segnor’s loops! What a crazy ship this will be if so.

That’s it for the X-Wing Wave 10 rundown. It’s hard to believe that this game has reached 10 expansions worth of ships! What will they come up with next?