Must See – Forge World Best in Show Gallery

Forge World Open Best in Show '15

Come see the top pics from the Forge World Open’s Best in Show painting competition. Be warned though, these models will rock your socks!

Forge World just had their annual Open Day at the newly renovated Warhammer World and besides unveiling a ton of new models, they also had a spectacular painting competition.

The models below are the best of the best that hobbyists from around the globe entered for a chance to win the coveted Best in Show title.  You’ll never believe what won this year!

Checkout the gallery via Forge World, below.

Forge World Open Best in Show '15 Forge World Open Best in Show '15 Forge World Open Best in Show '15 Forge World Open Best in Show '15 Forge World Open Best in Show '15 IQL4AS4D_54FF68H

Iron Hands Contemptor Dreadnought & Thallax with Photon Thruster: Neil Hollis. Legion Fellblade: Oliver Mew. Cerastus Knight-Acheron: Sam Perkins. Storm Eagle Gunship: Joshua Johnson. Blood Angel: Chris Webb.








Imperial Fists Sicaran Battle Tank: Wesley Lynam. Praetor: John Ashton. Armillus Dynat: David Cherry. Sons of Horus Sicaran Battle Tank: Sam Perkins.



Above is the winning entry, a Death Guard Legion Fellblade by James Cranwell.

Kudos to everyone who took the time to enter, these models look spectacular all the way around!

-What Forge World are YOU working on?