10th Edition Warhammer 40k Ultimate Starter Set Value is Wild!

warhammer-40k-starter-sets-are-they-worth-itThe Ultimate Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Starter Set, along with the other two versions, are pretty wild when it comes to the value!

There are three new Warhammer 40k 10th Edition starter sets with quite a wide variety of models and contents. However, they are all repackaged versions of Leviathan.

As Games Workshop did with Indomitus, they mix and match these boxes around the initial offering. This time, however, the retail price is much closer to Leviathan than we were hoping for.

Either way, there is a ton of value in the boxes, and it should be an excellent place to either start a new army or add to your existing forces! We won’t be pricing out the introductory set, as it is more based on starting the game and doesn’t have much value in miniatures.

New Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Starter Set Value

The latest on the three new 10th Edition Warhammer 40k starter boxes comes from Warhammer Community.

New Starter Sets Warhammer 40k 10th edition

All of these datasheets and rules may seem a little overwhelming if you’re fresh to Warhammer, or even a returning player. For those who want a simpler introduction to the game, look no further than these three new boxed sets, designed to be the ideal first step into a hobby full of stunning miniatures and epic tabletop battles.

We’re always down for more starter boxes, as they usually save you a bunch of cash! Plus, if someone is trying to get into the game, the introductory set gives you paints, a hobby guide, and more. Now, let’s jump into the value!

Warhammer 40k Starter Set $110

New Starter Sets Warhammer 40k 10th edition 3

The Starter Set is a middle ground – it’s perfect for people who know what tabletop games are and are ready to supply their own hobby paints and tools, but who might not have played a game like Warhammer 40,000. Alternatively, it’s also great for those who just want to pick up and play the new edition of Warhammer 40,000.

Alongside a 64-page Starter Handbook (with more advanced rules than the Introductory Set), you’ll find two rules reference sheets, 10 dice, two range rulers, and a cardboard gaming mat. Not to mention 38 plastic push-fit miniatures – a stalwart Captain in Terminator Armour leads five beefy Terminators and five Infernus Marines against a vile swarm of Tyranids, comprising a Winged Tyranid Prime, three sneaky Von Ryan’s Leapers, a Psychophage, 20 Termagants, and two very hungry Ripper Swarms. 

Space Marines: 

  • Captain in Terminator Armour $38 (based on Librarian)
  • Spare Marines Terminators $65
  • Infernus Squad $40 ($60 for 10)

Total Estimated Value: $143


  • Winged Tyranid Prime $38 (based on Librarian)
  • Von Ryan’s Leapers $60
  • 2 sets of Termagants $80
  • Psychophage $60

Dice, rulers, and mat: Added value

Total Estimated Value: $238

Total Estimated Value of Both Halves + the rulebook ($25): $406

Total Estimated Value Versus $110 MSRP: $296

Is This Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Starter Set Worth It?

This does have some excellent value. However, the Tyranids get a lot more in terms of actual models overall. So, if you split this with someone, no matter the side you play, you’re going to get a lot of value and a decent number of minis.

Just remember, these are all push-fit and the same models from Leviathan. Still, even with that in mind, you save a lot!

10th Edition Warhammer 40k Ultimate Starter Set: $210

Warhammer 40,000 Ultimate Starter Set

For the ultimate beginning to the new edition of the game, the aptly named Warhammer 40k Ultimate Starter Set is a comprehensive introduction to Warhammer 40,000. This box contains everything that the Starter Set does, plus those six extra miniatures you need to make two full Combat Patrols of Space Marine and Tyranids. Then there’s terrain, consisting of an STC Hab Bunker and eight stockades, which can be set up on the two double-sided gaming boards included. 

Much like the smaller sets, this box also contains a handbook, as well as a full Core Rules Booklet. This has all the core rules for the new edition and the rules for the fast and fun Combat Patrol mode, including six missions. You’ll also get dice, tokens, a range ruler, and a Space Marine transfer sheet.

Before we get into the value of this set, both sides of this box are the contents of the combat patrols, meaning we’ll be using the Combat Patrol pricing for both sides. Obviously, it would have much more value with individual prices, but considering you can get everything in the upcoming Combat Patrols, it makes more sense to break it down this way.

  • Space Marines Combat Patrol: $160 (current price)
  • Tyranids Combat Patrol: $160 (current price)
  • STC-Hab Bunker and Stockades Terrain: $80
  • Rulebook: $25
  • Rulers, dice, and mat: Added value

Total Estimated Value of Both Halves: $425

Total Estimated Value Versus $210 MSRP: $215

Is the Ultimate 10th Edition 40k Starter Worth it?

Well, in a way, this has a lower value than the other starter, but that’s just because it’s two Combat Patrols that both have value themselves. Considering Leviathan was only $230, this feels a little bad on the price point, considering you get way less, and the box is only $20 cheaper.

Even with that, there is still a ton of value inside, and if you’re starting either army, it would be completely worth splitting this box with someone; you would each get a Combat Patrol for $105, and maybe split the terrain.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for 10th Edition, new product releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the value and pricing for the new 10th Edition Warhammer 40kstarter set boxes? Will you be picking either of them up?

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