3 New 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Combat Patrols SPOTTED!

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopThree new Combat Patrol box sets are on the way for Warhammer 40k as Tyranids, Space Marines, and Necrons look to be getting 10th Edition updates!

Pretty much every time Games Workshop significantly revamps an army; they have done a big army box with early access to the codex and the new miniatures. Then, after a few weeks or a month, they drop a follow-up Combat Patrol for the army. However, in almost every box, they basically take things from the launch box and repackage a smaller number of the same models into a Combat Patrol.

You may remember seeing something similar for the Sisters of Battle, Orks, Black Templars, Leagues of Votann, and Imperial Guard.


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Now, it looks like GW will follow suit with the Leviathan box miniatures for both the Tyranids and Space Marines. The good thing is, if you missed out on Leviathan, you could get the new miniatures this way!

3 New 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Combat Patrols SPOTTED!

The Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Combat Patrols contents for the Tyrands and Space Marines were spotted on Warhammer Community.

Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Combat Patrols

GW dropped all the rules for the new Combat Patrol format, and in that, they showed what looks to be new Tyranids and Space Marines box sets! While they haven’t talked about when they will come out, we know what the contents will be!

For the Space Marines, you basically get half of the new minis inside the box with two characters, as pictured above.

Tyranids 10th Edition Combat Patrol

Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Combat Patrols 2The Tyranid box will get you all kinds of miniatures (just as you get more than the Marines in Leviathan), and again, it’s just the Leviathan box paired down.

So, this could be a good thing if you missed out on Leviathan, but for people who already scored Leviathan, you may want something a little new. But who knows? Maybe when the new 10th Edition Codex books come out, they will change things up.

As we said, though, this isn’t anything out of the ordinary as far as repacking larger bundle boxes into smaller formats for release later on with new rules, etc.

Another New 10th Edition 40k Combat Patrol on the Horizon

The Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Combat Patrol contents for the Necrons were spotted on Warhammer Community.

Combat Patrol necron

This is the old Necrons Combat Patrol, and if you look at GW’s site, this isn’t even on there anymore, and it’s even hard to find on Amazon. So that gives more credence to the new box, and it looks a little more versatile than the old one.

New 10th Edition 40k Necrons Combat Patrol

10th Edition 40k Combat Patrol

The new box now only takes out the Night Scythe but is almost completely changed. The only model in this new box from the first is a different overlord.  Now, in addition to that, you get some Warriors (and their scarabs), a Doomstalker, and Destroyer.

Overall, the box seems to make sense as this is basically half of the Necron models from the 2020 Indomotius Starter set, with the addition of the push-fit Doomstalker that was released later that year as well.

With all of these being push-fit models, just like the Space Marines and Tyranids combat patrols, it looks like the first three factions getting codex updates in 2023, will also be geared toward beginning players.

From Large Bundles To Small:

sisters of battle army set

You may remember something like this from Shadowspear with the Space Marines and Chaos models, and the next big one was the Sisters of Battle army box.

Sisters of Battle Combat Patrol

You’re not seeing double; this is actually the Sisters Combat Patrol box! With almost the identical configuration of minis.

Cadia Stands Astra Militarum Army SetThey also kept the same theme with newer boxes, such as the Imperial Guard one.

Again, the Combat Patrol is the exact same thing minus the codex and the cards. So don’t be surprised when you see the Space Marines and Tyranids Combat Patrols containing a similar mix of models that come in Leviathan.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for 10th Edition, new product releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the new Space Marines and Tyranids Warhammer 10th Edition 40k Combat Patrols? 

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