Warhammer 40k: All The Munitorum Field Manual Points Changes

Balance Datasheet munitorum points changes warhammer 40kStart building your new army lists with the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points updates and changes!

10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorium Field Manual Points Changes & Updates

munitorium field manual 40k points changes logo

We’ve all seen the latest datasheets, army rules, codex books, and index cards. Now, with the 10th Edition Warhammer 40k points update, you can make new lists, as the balance of the game is in flux once again.  Here is our breakdown of all the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points changes from June 2024.

Maybe just as important as the points, GW said they will now only be doing 40k Balance Dataslate updates every other quarter (originally, they said every quarter), and points change every quarter. This means we just got the Dataslate, but plenty of points to go along with it! Let’s start with the 10th Edition Munitorum Field Manual Warhammer 40k points update winners and losers, and then get into the specifics.

Here are the latest news articles and rumors about 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, including rules changes, codex books, previews, and more!

Buffed Armies

  • Adeptus Custodes: They get a decent number of decreases plus benefits from the core rule changes.
  • Astra Militarum: They only received point decreases this time around.
  • Chaos Daemons: They received buffs in the Dataslate, and a bunch of points decreased.
  • Chaos Knights: Decreases across the board for most of your big knights.
  • Deathwatch: They get three points decreases.
  • Drukhari: They get two decreases and an adjustment to Scourges.
  • Imperial Knights: Decreases across the board for most of your big knights.
  • Orks: Like Custodes, they received huge point decreases across the board, with a couple of increases, but the decreases far outweigh them.
  • Space Marines: They get a bunch of decreases and a few increases, but the changes should help.
  • Tau: They get a ton of point decreases this time.
  • Thousand Sons: They get three decreases to units, but they received some NERFS in the Dataslate.
  • Tyranids: Get deductions to a few underplayed units, but also receive help in the Dataslate.
  • World Eaters: The previous Dataslate changes really hit them hard, but they get more decreases this time around.


  • Adepta Sororitas: This is almost not a NERF, as they get better in the codex, but the points do go up. Remember, use these points and not the ones in the codex!
  • Adeptus Mechanicus: They received increases for a lot of units… however, they got huge buffs to profile, so we’re putting this in NERFS since points go up, but they got better.
  • Aeldari: They get some decreases as well, but a lot of popular units are getting increased.
  • Black Templars: They are getting two increases and no decreases. So, it’s a pretty straightforward NERF.
  • Chaos Space Marines: The new codex is looking good, so these are more just point adjustments than anything, still, they are increasing.
  • Dark Angels: They get two small increases.
  • Genestealer Cults: Some key units go up in points, but they are also better in the codex. Remember, use these points and not the ones in the codex!
  • Grey Knights: Their increases outweigh their decreases, at least to us.
  • Necrons: They get some small increases.
  • Orks: They are doing really well right now, so some key units get increases.
  • Space Wolves: They received two increases.

Warhammer 40k Munitorium Field Manual Points Changes Update

Alright, buckle up because it’s that time again – the Munitorium Field Manual has dropped some fresh points changes, and things are about to get interesting!  These are the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points updates and changes that are legal for play right now!

Adepta Sororitas Point Changes

Munitorum Field ManualThe datasheets look better in the codex, so it makes sense their points go up. However, these are the official points now, not the ones in the codex book that released on June 22, 2024.

Point Changes 10th Edition 40k

Old Points

Adeptus Custodes Points Updates

Munitorum Field Manual 2Well, their codex points were wild, so it’s good to see them decrease once again.

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Old Index Points

Adeptus Mechanicus Points

Munitorum Field Manual 3They haven’t been doing very well this edition, so it’s nice to see some buffs in the Dataslate. To compensate, they are going up in points across the board.

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Old Points

Aeldari Points Update

Munitorum Field Manual 4Aedari got some increases for units that are doing really well and a decrease in the ones that most people aren’t taking.

Point Changes 10th Edition 40k 4Old Points

Agents of The Imperium

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The points remain unchanged from the last update.

Astra Militarum Points

Munitorum Field Manual 5After some increase the last time out, they only get buff this time around!

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Old Points

Black Templars Points Updates

Munitorum Field Manual 6This is their third change in a row, and it hit the army with only NERFS.

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Old Points

Blood Angels Points

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Points remain unchanged from the previous changes.

Chaos Daemons Points

Munitorum Field Manual 7

This time they got big buffs basically across the board.

Point Changes 10th Edition 40k 25Old Points

Chaos Knights Points

Munitorum Field Manual 8

A lot of the big knights get buffs this time around.

Point Changes 10th Edition 40k 26Old Points

Chaos Space Marines Points: (updated May 22, 2024 when Codex Released)

Munitorum Field Manual 9

The new codex is quite strong, so they are getting increases spread across multiple units.

Chaos Space Marines pointsOld Points

  • Abaddon is actually 15 points cheaper than the last update, so don’t be fooled by the red. It’s probably because he lost some things in the datasheet, and these points are all from their new codex book.
  • The Accursed Cultists received some changes in the codex but dropped significantly in points here (and now seem more interesting to take in more armies).
  • Most of the characters (the Chaos Lord is actually five points cheaper than the previous changes, even though it’s red) also got a decrease, but they were already quite strong. Vashtorr stays the same even though it’s in green.
  • Next, the Bikers get another five-point reduction, and at only 70 points for three, they are starting to look quite inviting (amazing, actually).
  • Chosen is another unit that is getting a reduction from last time, even though it is in red (five points).
  • Legionaries cost the same as before, so don’t be fooled by the green, but they are still a very strong unit.
  • The Warp Talons stay at 110 points, but they seem like one of the better units from the codex and, in the right hands, might prove to be super strong.
  • The Fellgor Beastmen went down by ten points, which is nice, but we’re still not sure who will run them. Might that be enough?
  • Lastly, the Forgefiend went down by ten points (even though it’s in red), which is nice for a good shooting unit in general. The Maulerfiend lost most re-rolls but went down another ten points after getting a decrease in the last changes.

Dark Angels Points

Munitorum Field Manual 10

Nothing too wild this time around, but a couple of increases to units doing really well. Pretty much reverting the last changes to Deathwing Knights.

Point Changes 10th Edition 40k 12Old Points

10th Edition 40k Dataslate Death Guard Points

Munitorum Field Manual 11The Terminators, Blight-haulers, Plague Surgeon, and Blightbringer all get a decrease. Meanwhile, the two really well-performing units get NERFED.

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Old Points

Deathwatch Points

Munitorum Field Manual 12

They get a few decreases after quite a long time with no changes.

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Old Points

Drukhari Points

Munitorum Field Manual 13

Some small changes, the biggest of which are the Scourges’ points going up for five-man squads (which is all 90% of people take anyway, so a NERF).

Point Changes 10th Edition 40k 28Old Points

Genestealer Cults Points

Munitorum Field Manual 14

Just like with the Sisters, these are the correct points, not the ones in the codex. Since it just came out, it’s hard to say exactly how they will all change the army.

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Old Points

Grey Knights Points Changes For 10th Edition 40k

Munitorum Field Manual 15The characters went up along with the Dreadknight, but the Land Raider did get cheaper which is nice because it has been seeing play.

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Old Points

Imperial Knights Points

Munitorum Field Manual 16A lot of the big knights get buffs this time around.

Point Changes 10th Edition 40k 29Old Points

Leagues of Votann Points

Point Changes 10th Edition 40k 16Points unchanged.

Necrons Points

Munitorum Field Manual 17

They got two small increases this time, with just some Canoptek changes.

Point Changes 10th Edition 40k 17Old Points

10th Edition 40k Orks Points

Munitorum Field Manual 18Orks are doing quite well in the meta, so seeing them get some NERFS makes sense.

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Old Points

Space Marines Points

Munitorum Field Manual 19

Munitorum Field Manual 20Space Marines get pretty even decreases and increases, so nothing too wild. GW really likes to keep them at the 50ish % win rate, so this should keep them around there.

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Old Points

Space Wolves Points

Munitorum Field Manual 21They have been decent since the last changes, so just a couple of small increases here.

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Old Points

Tau Points

Munitorum Field Manual 22

They haven’t been doing greatest since the codex, so some decreases make sense.

Point Changes 10th Edition 40k 30Old Points.

Thousand Sons Points

Munitorum Field Manual 23A lot of units underperforming are getting big decreases. This also dovetails with the NERFS in the Dataslate, so this should help.

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Old Points

Tyranids Points

Munitorum Field Manual 24They got some big buffs in the Dataslate, so with these decreases, they should see a decent increase in win rate.

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Old Points

World Eaters Points

Munitorum Field Manual 25They were hit super hard with the Q1 Dataslate. This time, Eightbound of both types get a decrease, which should help them climb back up in win rate.

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Old Points

All the latest 10th Edition 40k Munitorium Field Manual points changes are available here!  Don’t forget GW is changing things up and will only update the 40k Balance Dataslate every other quarter, and these points every quarter.  That means we’ll have to wait until September of 2024 for the next update, which will only change 40k’s points again.

Alright, that’s a wrap on our discussion of the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points update and changes! It’s obvious that the game’s balance is shifting once again with these updates. Whether your favorite army got stronger or weaker, it’s an exciting time to adjust and come up with new strategies based on the updated points and balance dataslate.

What do you think about GW making so many 10th Edition Warhammer 40k points updates and changes in the new 40k Munitorum Field Manual? Are you happy with what happened to your faction?

About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!