Start building your new army lists with the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points updates and changes from March 2025!
Updated March 12th, 2025, by Rob Baer with new information and links, as well as the March Field Munitorum.
We’ve all seen the latest datasheets, army rules, codex books, and index cards. Now, with the 10th Edition Warhammer 40k points update it’s time to make new lists, as the balance of the game is in flux once again. Here is our breakdown of all the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points changes and the March 2025 rules changes to the Balance Dataslate.
March 2025 Updates
Maybe just as important as the points, Games Workshop said they will now only be doing 40k Balance Dataslate updates every other quarter (initially, they said every quarter), while points changes will be every quarter. Plus, there will also be new quarterly detachment drops for factions through the release of 11th edition, as we saw with Grotmas.
However, in March, the points changes dropped alongside a full Dataslate, meaning the game is getting really shaken up now. Let’s start with the 10th Edition Munitorum Field Manual Warhammer 40k points update winners and losers, and then get into the specifics.
Buffed Factions:
- Adepta Sororitas: Celestian Sacresants, Seraphim, Zephyrim, and Repentia all cheaper.
- Adeptus Custodes – Aleya, Knight-Centura, and Shield-Captains cost less.
- Adeptus Mechanicus – Belisarius Cawl and Tech-Priest Dominus got discounts.
- Chaos Knights – Knight Desecrator, Despoiler, and Tyrant all reduced in cost.
- Chaos Space Marines – Forgefiend and Lord Discordant on Helstalker cost less.
- Drukhari – Wyches and Kabalite Warriors now more affordable.
- Emperor’s Children – Flawless Blades, Daemonettes, and Fiends all cheaper.
- Grey Knights – Interceptor Squads and Purifiers got a points drop.
- Imperial Knights – Castellan and Valiant down by 30 points, so even bigger stompy destruction.
- Thousand Sons – Scarab Occult Terminators got cheaper, meaning more psychic death.
- World Eaters – Daemon Princes, Lords on Juggernauts, and Eightbound are all cheaper.
NERF-ed Factions:
- Aeldari – Dire Avengers, Fire Dragons, and Striking Scorpions cost more.
- Astra Militarum – Cadian Heavy Weapons Squad and Tempestus Scions went up in price.
- Blood Angels – Rage-Fueled Warrior now costs more, because being angry isn’t free.
- Chaos Daemons – Be’lakor got a massive +50 point increase. Then, also received NERFS in the Dataslate.
- Chaos Space Marines – Chaos Predator Annihilator more expensive, because GW hates Chaos shooting.
- Death Guard – Predator Annihilator got pricier.
- Genestealer Cults – Neophyte Hybrids +15 points because inflation affects uprisings too.
- Orks – Tankbusting got more expensive.
- T’au Empire – Kroot Lone-spear and Krootox Rampagers more expensive.
- Tyranids – Exocrine and Tyrannofex got a points hike.
February 2025 Updates
The only thing getting a shake-up this time is the points in the Aeldari codex. No surprises there—Games Workshop loves updating points right after a book drops. So, forget the ones in the actual codex; these new numbers are what you’re supposed to use now.
The good news? Unlike the Astra Militarum update from January, there’s no weird disclaimer or “only for certain games” nonsense. These are the official points across the board, no strings attached! However, there is quite a long list of missing units from the new points (we’ll have that below).
We also have to report one sad bit of news for Drukhari players… the Tantalus has indeed moved to Legends. And last but certainly not least, the new changes also made the Astra Militarum points official this time!
January 2025 Updates
First up, the Astra Militarum. GW is clearly gearing up for their new codex, sprinkling in some early points changes across the board. Here’s the twist, though: while the points apply to everything, they’re not tournament-legal until the codex officially lands.
However, the only other change is to Tankbustas, but those will not be used either.
So, for now, your beautifully optimized Guard lists will have to wait before you can unleash them in competitive play (and see all the new points here.) Luckily, in the downloads, they kept the unchanged points to use above the new points, so don’t get confused. Be sure to pay attention to this, especially if you’re going to LVO:
The points below allow players to enjoy Codex: Astra Militarum in non-tournament settings. Until the full release of this Codex, players should continue using the Index: Astra Militarum points and rules for tournaments and other similar events.
Full Warhammer 40k Munitorium Field Manual 2024, 2025 Points Changes Update
Alright, buckle up because it’s that time again – the Munitorium Field Manual has dropped some fresh points changes, and things are about to get interesting! These are the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points updates and changes that are legal for play right now!
Adepta Sororitas Point Changes
Buffs: Celestian Sacresants, Seraphim, Zephyrim, and Repentia all got cheaper. More faithful warriors, more righteous fury, more enemies regretting their life choices.
Nerfs: The Exorcist is still absurdly expensive, proving that divine intervention doesn’t cover war machine costs.
Adeptus Custodes Points Updates
Buffs: Aleya, the Knight-Centura, and Shield-Captains got a discount—because if you’re already functionally immortal, you might as well be cost-efficient too.
Nerfs: Blade Champions and Custodian Wardens are paying a golden tax now. Apparently, someone at GW thinks unbreakable defense and lethal efficiency should cost extra.
Adeptus Mechanicus Points
Buffs: Belisarius Cawl and Tech-Priest Dominus are now more affordable, so you can fit more tech-nerds and inscrutable machine nonsense into your army.
Nerfs: Not much! AdMech dodged the nerf bat this time.
Aeldari Points Update
Buffs: Rangers and Guardian Defenders remain cheap, so at least the basic infantry spam is still an option.
Nerfs: Dire Avengers, Fire Dragons, and Striking Scorpions all got price hikes, because being fast, deadly, and good at everything was too much fun.
Agents of The Imperium
Just one change here: the Culexus Assassin gets cheaper.
Astra Militarum Points
Buffs: Nothing major, but hey, no big nerfs either—which is practically a win in Imperial Guard terms.
Nerfs: Cadian Heavy Weapons Squads and Tempestus Scions got pricier, because the elite guardsmen tax just went up.
Black Templars Points Updates
No changes from the previous Munitorum.
Blood Angels Points
Buffs: Death Company Marines are now cheaper, so more doomed berserkers for the Blood God Emperor!
Nerfs: Rage-Fueled Warrior got more expensive because GW is charging extra for bloodlust now.
Old Points
Chaos Daemons Points
Buffs: Nurglings and Screamers got a discount, meaning more tiny, gross, grinning annoyances for your lists.
Nerfs: Be’lakor went +50 points, because GW realized he was carrying every Chaos list on his shadowy back.
Old Points
Chaos Knights Points
Buffs: The Knight Desecrator, Despoiler, and Tyrant all got cheaper. More giant, unholy stompy things for fewer points.
Nerfs: None! The Dark Gods approve of this economy.
Old Points
Chaos Space Marines Points:
Buffs: The Forgefiend and Lord Discordant on Helstalker got cheaper, because spikes and daemon engines deserve some love.
Nerfs: The Chaos Predator Annihilator got more expensive, because GW is still allergic to Chaos having good ranged units.
Old Points
Dark Angels Points
No changes from the previous Munitorum.
10th Edition 40k Dataslate Death Guard Points
Buffs: Myphitic Blight-haulers got cheaper, because nothing says blessing of Nurgle like a discount on mobile plague dispensers.
Nerfs: The Predator Annihilator got a price hike, because apparently, reliable shooting isn’t very Death Guard-y.
Deathwatch Points
One point adjustment, not really a NERF or buff.
Old Points
Drukhari Points
Buffs: Wyches and Kabalite Warriors are cheaper, so you can pack even more cruel, murderous space elves into your raiding parties.
Nerfs: None, because Drukhari suffering is supposed to be inflicted, not received.
Old Points
Emperor’s Children Points
Buffs: Flawless Blades, Daemonettes, and Fiends got cheaper, because perfection shouldn’t be overpriced.
Nerfs: Spawns, Rhinos, and Enhancements went up in points… but that’s just because Slaanesh likes them too much!
Genestealer Cults Points
Buffs: Kelermorph remains untouched, so your three-gun-wielding cowboy is still the king of assassination.
Nerfs: Neophyte Hybrids went +15 points, because inflation has hit even the revolutionaries.
Old Points
Grey Knights Points Changes For 10th Edition 40k
Buffs: Interceptor Squads and Purifiers are cheaper, so expect more psychic paladins teleporting directly into your nightmares.
Nerfs: None—Draigo is still an absolute boss at full price.
Old Points
Imperial Knights Points
Buffs: Castellan and Valiant got a -30 points buff, because big guns and big armor should be slightly more affordable.
Nerfs: None. GW loves its giant stompy robots.
Old Points
Leagues of Votann Points
Points unchanged from previous Munitorum.
Necrons Points
Buffs: None. The galaxy’s oldest murder robots are still just as deadly, but GW isn’t handing out any free buffs to these timeless terrors.
Nerfs: The Doomsday Ark got slapped with a +10 points tax. Looks like the Necrons’ favorite floating artillery piece was just a little too good at vaporizing things. Guess the Great Sleep didn’t include an economic stimulus package.
Old Points
10th Edition 40k Orks Points
Buffs: None. The green tide is still rolling strong, but don’t expect GW to hand out any free Waaagh!-boosts.
Nerfs: Tankbustas took a hit with a +15 points tax—because blowing up enemy tanks was apparently too much fun. Meanwhile, the Mek Kaptin’s price went up (+10), meaning even Orky ingenuity comes with a premium now. Looks like Big Mek inflation is real.
Space Marines Points
Buffs: Bladeguard Veterans got a nice price cut (-10 for three models, -20 for 6), making those sword-swinging badasses an even better deal. Centurion Devastators also got a discount (-20 for 3, -40 for 6), so bringing the big guns is now slightly more affordable.
Nerfs: Ballistus Dreadnought went up (+10) because being a walking turret was apparently too efficient. Marneus Calgar got a price hike (+10), reminding everyone that leadership and plot armor don’t come cheap. Fire Discipline in the Gladius Task Force also got hit with a Nerf (+15), so don’t expect as many freebies in the shooting phase. Meanwhile, the Vindicator and Whirlwind both got pricier (+10 each), because big boom = big cost.
Old Points
Space Wolves Points
No changes from the previous Munitorum.
Tau Points
Buffs: Kroot players, rejoice! Krootox Rampagers (-10 for 3, -20 for 6) and Kroot Lone-spears (-10) got cheaper, so now you can bring even more savage alien mercenaries to the party. More cheap, fast melee options for an army that usually prefers to shoot things from a mile away? Sounds good.
Nerfs: The Tidewall Defense Platform got hit with a +20 point increase, which means your mobile cover just got a bit more exclusive. Otherwise, no major hits, which is honestly a win for the Greater Good.
Old Points
Thousand Sons Points
Buffs: Scarab Occult Terminators got cheaper, meaning even more psychic terminator destruction for fewer points.
Nerfs: Mutalith Vortex Beast went +5 points, because apparently, Tzeentch was having too much fun.
Old Points
Tyranids Points
Buffs: Trygon and Neurolictors got cheaper, meaning deep-striking horror is slightly more affordable.
Nerfs: Exocrine and Tyrannofex went up in cost, because big bugs with big guns cost big points.
Old Points
World Eaters Points
Buffs: Daemon Princes, Lords on Juggernauts, and Eightbound all got cheaper, so you can now throw even more bloodthirsty maniacs at your enemies.
Nerfs: None—Khorne is pleased.
Old Points
Final Thoughts on the Field Munitorum Warhammer 40k Points changes
All the latest 10th Edition 40k Munitorium Field Manual points changes are available here! Don’t forget, as we talked about above, GW is changing things up and will only update the 40k Balance Dataslate every other quarter and these points every quarter.
Either way, that’s a wrap on our discussion of the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points update and changes! It’s obvious that the game’s balance is shifting once again with these updates. Whether your favorite army got stronger or weaker, it’s an exciting time to adjust and come up with new strategies based on the updated points and balance dataslate.
GW Confirms Best Warhammer 40k Armies Now
What do you think about GW making so many 10th Edition Warhammer 40k points updates and changes in the new 40k Munitorum Field Manual? Are you happy with what happened to your faction in the Munitorum Field Manual?