There are some pretty important aspects of the new 10th Edition Warhammer 40k core rules that were hidden in plain sight recently…
We’ve seen a lot of rules previewed from GW, but with these new images, we get a sneak peek into how long the rulebook will be, how many rules there are, what to expect, and more! They have even made a few changes to the “big rulebook” (the one that comes with Leviathan) compared to the one that came in the 9th Edition Indomnitus Launch Box, which should help people actually reference rules.
Click the links below for the latest on 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles!
- Warhammer 40k New 10th Edition Release Guide: LATEST
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Now, let’s jump into the new rules!
Hidden in Plain Sight: 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Core Rules Spotted!
The pictures come from this Warhammer Community post.
Before we get into it, here are a few things about the book itself.
- It will be 392 pages
- Has all the core rules (but they will be available for free on launch day)
- tons of lore, miniature galleries, and narrative rules
Lastly, the book will have different page numbers for the Leviathan rules and the core rules; this should make referencing rules across different rule books much easier.
Next up, we know the core rules will be 60 pages in total. They have really been talking about free rules to play, so let’s hope that means the downloadable rules this time around actually cover everything. Currently, the free rules have some serious gaps, so let’s hope they don’t make the same mistake again in this edition.
- Core concepts will take up to 5 pages.
- The battle round takes up 27 pages; this includes things like moving, shooting, melee, Leadership, etc.
- Datsheets and unit abilities only take up three pages; we assume they just example a couple of datasheets here and how to read them.
- Next up, this confirms 100% reserves are still a part of the game! This only takes up a few pages, so it should be reasonably simple.
- GW already showed off how a lot of terrain features work, but this is a decently sized section, so probably an example of how to set up a board and how they actually work.
- Your army muster phase only takes up a couple of pages, and from what we’ve seen, it is going to be very simple.
- They already said there would only be a single mission in the book, so no surprise there aren’t a ton of pages on it.
Next up, there will be symbols for common abilities. We assume that if they are totally in the rulebook, they will just be a symbol and reference on the datasheet, and then you find it here. Next, there will be hints and tips, as well as summaries, which should help people grasp the rules faster.
Last but not least, Combat Patrol rules don’t seem to be in the main book, and they will have their own rules segment.
Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!
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