Learn 10th Edition 40k With Your Friends at the 2023 ATCs

10th-Edition-40k-warhammer-rumorsWell, you’ll get a chance to learn 10th Edition 40k with your friends at the 2023 ATCs, as it’s confirmed the games will be in 1oth!

We speculated a little while ago that the first tournament for 10th edition 40k would be the Tacoma Open, and we don’t have confirmation on that quite yet. However, we know for a fact the 2023 ATCs will be!

So, if you’re planning on going, that means you’ll get to play either the first or second major tournament ever for the new edition! This is pretty interesting as it not only confirms when the new edition will have to be out, and it should be fun to play a tournament in the new edition!

Here are the quick links to the latest for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles below!

Let’s check out the new announcement!

Learn 10th Edition 40k With Your Friends at the 2023 ATCs

This comes from the ATC Facebook Page.

Play 10th edition for the first time 2

This year’s 40k event will be 10th Ed!
How/What/Who? We don’t know yet, but this isn’t our first time of turning the event pack upside down and playing a new edition within only days of a new edition! We will be on top of a new event pack, missions and everything else that is entailed as soon as we get the new edition in hand. The best way to stay up to date and have your input counted is to BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW and get into the captain’s council. The captain’s council will be opening later this month.
Thank you all!
This is a big announcement as it’s the very first major tournament fully confirmed to be using 10th Edition rules!
Obviously, with nothing fully released, it’s a little strange, but they put an initial date on the rules cut-off, and we guess GW told them the new edition would be out before that cut-off (and hopefully get some early access to get the packs set up)!
Registration deadline for the 40k ATC is the End of Day, Sunday, July 16th, 2023.  FOR REGISTRATION DIRECTIONS, CLICK HERE
  • Army Lists are due by TBA (due to the 10th edition update)
  • Army Lists MUST be submitted using the GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN THE CAPTAIN’S COUNCIL. You MUST send ALL Lists and ALL the Player Forms in ONE email with your TEAM NAME and the words “ATC 40k Army Lists” in the subject line to
  • No new factions or codexes will be allowed that are released after the initial launch of 10th ed. • No changes will be made to the FAQ or Army Building Guidelines after TBD (due to the 10th edition update)
  • • WARHAMMER 40K EVENT TIMES: Friday: Captains Meeting at 10:00 AM, Dice Roll at 11:00 AM (2 games) Saturday: 8 AM (3 Games) Sunday: 10 AM (1 Game)

We talked more about the exact release date of the new edition, which you can check out here, but with this, we know the latest the new edition could possibly drop! The tentative cut-off date was July 1st, so the new edition will likely have to come out sometime in June, and our best guess is June 24th!

Either way, 10th is not that far off now at all, and ATC is going to use the new edition. So if you want to learn it and get some tournament games in, go get your tickets now and get on the captain’s council!

Click Here to Get Your ATC Tickets!

Will you try to play in an early 10th Edition Warhammer 40k tournament this summer?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, or our new Discord server, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 

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