Lost in the Warp: Leviathan 10th Edition 40k Orders Are Missing Now

leviathan-box-sets-missingTons of Leviathan orders have gone missing at Games Workshop as hobbyists raise questions about where shipments are…

From the community feedback,it seems a decent amount of Leviathan Warhammer 40k 10th Edition box set orders have gone missing at GW and are sitting in a pending status.

Unfortunately, we have talked about a lot of the stock issues with the launch box, from allocations to the long queue times, but it looks like even those who got through the queue are still waiting. Obviously, GW made a ton of boxes and has an insane number to ship out, and perhaps that is the issue altogether.

Then, on top of the allocations, many local game stores that did manage to secure stock also had their orders arrive only a day before launch, putting more strain on stores to process orders.

So, from the looks of it, not the smoothest start to the new edition of Games Workshop, unfortunately.

Leviathan Orders Have Gone Missing at GW

leviathan boxall

The pictures below come from Reddit, and as of this writing, there are still comments from Hobbyists whose Leviathan Warhammer 40k box sets are still missing.

Leviathan Orders Have Gone Missing at GW

This was the initial post from Reddit, and it ended up getting 50 comments, with all the people more or less agreeing that they haven’t got their boxes, and most of them are still just processing.

With a full 2-week pre-order period, you really hoped you would get it on the day or maybe the day after. This all got worse when GW did a Leviathan hangout stream on their Twitch, and most GW influencers have had their boxes for weeks now, showing you all the ways you can paint it.

Leviathan Orders Have Gone Missing at GW 2

However, it is not super clear sometimes that if you pre-order something from the GW site to ship to a Warhammer store, it will be there on release day.

If not, they often won’t even ship it till the next business day (after release) or, in this case, a little later. It seems like the warehouse may have had a lot of orders, and they favor shipping to their stores above all else as most LGS didn’t get their Leviathans till Thursday or Friday in the States, which is fine for some that got three boxes.

ebay leviathan cardmonstergames

eBay Seller Cardmonstergames

But if a store somehow managed to get 50-60-100 boxes, that’s a ton of product to process and prep right before such a big release when you have things like Magic tournaments, weekend gaming, etc., to prepare for. 

Either way, this is another blemish in the Leviathan and 10th Edition launch. So let’s hope things start smoothing out as the edition move forwards on Games Workshop’s end so we can all enjoy the new edition.

If you are wondering about the status of your order with Games Workshop, you can call 1-800-394-GAME here in States or email You can also visit the Games Workshop customer service page for more options.

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for 10th Edition, new product releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    Did you get your box on launch day, or is your copy of Leviathan “missing”?

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