UNBOXING – Nurgle Putrid Blightkings

By Rob Baer | October 20th, 2014 | Categories: Chaos Space Marines, End Times, Nurgle, Product Review, Unboxing, Videos


The Lord of Rot’s servants are here, and boy do they look good, er I mean bad..

The Blightking models seems to have turned everyone’s head this weekend with their literally sick design.


The box contains three normal sized sprues, five bases, and an instruction sheet that contains their rules as well.

These guys can be assembled a number of ways and as a ton of kit bashers have already noted, make a great base for Nurgle Terminators, Obliterators, etc for Warhammer 40k!

Several of the Blightking models have multiple options ranging from two handed weapons, one hand weapon and shield, a two handed weapon, and the normal command upgrades like an instrument and standard.


Overall I think this is a great kit to use for whatever Nurgle infantry project you may have, as the design is very versatile and it comes with a ton of spare parts!

I don’t know about you guys but after seeing these I can’t wait to get my mits on the new Maggoth Lords!

Checkout all the details below in our unboxing video review. -MBG