Hurry up and wait may be the name of the game from now on when ordering new Games Workshop items.
Via Brass Scorpion
Hey, hobby friends, I’ve heard through the grapevine that as of this week beginning April 25 pre-orders for GW products will no longer be on Fridays at 2 PM US EDT/7PM UK Summer Time as they are currently, instead they will be on Saturdays around 1 PM US EDT/6 PM UK Summer Time.That’s just in time for this weekend’s coming 40K Assassins game.
It looks like one of the topics covered at the GW manager’s meeting a few weeks ago in Las Vegas, was pre-orders for new ‘advanced order’ items on their site will become ‘live’ around 1pm EST here in the states early Saturday afternoon.
No exact details were provided for this change to pre-orders, but it seems like there are a few conclusions that can be drawn here.
First is less demand for limited edition items, and a byproduct of that may be less of a load on their servers I suppose.
Plus hobbyists may just wait and justify a trip into their local corporate store the next day to get the goods as well. To be honest, items selling out at the current ‘LIVE’ time of 1pm EST on a Friday afternoon may keep a large number of people from just being able to order in general.
Either way, change is coming starting with what looks to be the Assassin’s box set this week!
I hope someone’s taking the weekend shift at GW to make sure the site still doesn’t crash!