RUMORS – Signs of a New Chaos Triumvirate Inbound?

abaddon chaos beetter

Huron and Abaddon have been pulled from the Warhammer World display case. Could this mean a new Chaos Triumvirate coming our way?

One of our readers was at Warhammer World recently and noticed a couple things missing from the Chaos display case. Huron Blackheart and Abaddon both were pulled from the Chaos Display.

Images via Jarhead:

Warhammer World Chaos Display

No Huron Blackheart

Warhammer World Chaos Display

No Abaddon the Despoiler (missing bottom right?)

So it looks like both of these venerable Chaos models have been pulled from the floor.

Now remember last time we saw this with Saint Celestine, which seemed like clockwork led to a new model released a few months later…

sisters-missing from display cases

Image from Jarhead last Novemeber

Is this the calm before the (Gathering) Storm? Is Games Workshop starting to become a little predictable? There has been a lot of rumors surrounding Abaddon lately, and now he’s gone missing…

Via BoLS:

  • Abaddon is not  making it out alive of the big 40K shakeup.
  • Cypher may be the man who pulls the trigger.


And Faeit elaborated more:

1. the bolt pistol may belong to Cypher
2. three books for gathering storms series 
3. each book will have a trio of characters
4. last book is called the rise of legend/Primarch?, which obviously include a Primarch
5. last trio of characters will be: Grandpa Smurf, Cypher and a Grey Knight Master
6. then 8th edition
7. Abaddon is likely to be killed during the last book, possible he is killed by a bolt pistol

And we can’t forget about the rumor where we were told Chaos was in line and was going to be the 3rd Triumvirate.

BoLS is reported the following:

Old timer rumor-monger Mikhael says:

  • A 3rd Triumerate of minis is cominIt is focussed on Chaos
  • Abaddon the Despoiler
  • Warlord Kossalax (Ed. no idea???)
  • Daemon Prince Urkanthos (last seen killing off Celestine’s handmaidens in Fall of Cadia)

Are we going to see the ultimate death and resurrection on Abaddon the Despoiler? Or were the rumors above just simply that, rumors?  Is there finally going to be a Chaos Triumvirate?  Maybe he was just a little ways off, but still accurate in saying that Chaos is getting a Triumvirate. You be the judge, just don’t forget to add the salt!

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