Does Cypher Kill Abaddon? More Salty Rumors Appear!

By James Rodriguez | February 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Daemon Primarch Mortarion

Once again we’re seeing a rumor that Cypher kills Abbadon, and is Guilliman trying to become the Emperor? Come take a look at the latest!

We’ve seen this rumor mentioned before in one of our previous articles. So seeing a lot of the same info a second time makes you wonder how true these rumors.

As of right now these are rumors and the source of the information cannot be confirmed, so make sure you add salt!.


Courtesy of Faeit 212

via chosenOne2527
so Guilliman revives, heads to terra and speaks with the custodes, gets angry at them for how the situation is in the imperium and ends up with his fathers sword to lead the fight against chaos. meanwhile cypher kills abbadon and a demon prince primarch; mortarion somehow ends up leads the forces of chaos instead? has anyone else read this rumor somewhere?

I dont know where I saw this rumor at, i honestly saw it and ive been searching and searching for it again, i seriously should have screenshot it. I remember reading that Guilliman goes to terra and is upset with the custodes especially since they are just always locked up in the golden throne with the emperor oblivious to everything going on around them and that hes upset that they are still keeping him alive so he banishes the custodes so that he can speak with the emperor by himself, and that he is given the flaming sword.

Roboute-Guilliman hor black

This made sense to me because if the custodes no longer have to be confined to the golden throne and Guilliman becomes the new emperor per se, the custodes can become closer to an actual faction as they are out in the galaxy following Guilliman on the new age crusade etc.

Also once cypher kills abaddon, demon primarchs emerge from the expanding warp and motarion is leading the crusade now along with fulgrim. However i just dont see how they can kill Abbaddon, it seems very off to me.

And now for the previous rumor post from earlier this month. You be the judge.

First and foremost, Cypher is on his way, and it’s being said that he’s the one that is going to pull the trigger on Abaddon. BoLS was on the floor at LVO and it seemed to be the buzz of the event. Meanwhile, an anonymous source on Faeit 212 was posting their own supporting points to this idea.

Via BoLS:

  • Abaddon is not  making it out alive of the big 40K shakeup.
  • Cypher may be the man who pulls the trigger.

eternal crusade abaddon

And Faeit elaborated more earlier in the weekend:

1. the bolt pistol may belong to Cypher
2. three books for gathering storms series 
3. each book will have a trio of characters
4. last book is called the rise of legend/Primarch?, which obviously include a Primarch
5. last trio of characters will be: Grandpa Smurf, Cypher and a Grey Knight Master
6. then 8th edition
7. Abaddon is likely to be killed during the last book, possible he is killed by a bolt pistol
8. dwarf release and gryph hound release should still be there, but the focus is to finish off gathering storm series and launch 8th edition

Add on
40k new edition’s content will be much reduced, but still bit longer than AoS rules, around 30 pages, likely release date will be summer. after Book III of the gathering storm.

So we’re looking at couple RUMORS here…

  1. Abaddon is likely to be killed by a bolt pistol, and said bolt pistol may just belong to Cypher himself.
  2. There’s going to be 3 books in the Gathering Storm series, each one bringing a new Triumvirate.
  3. The focus of Games Workshop is going to be finishing off the Gathering Storm Series and launching 8th edition.
  4. The 8th edition’s content will be reduced a lot, with around 30 pages of rules, still longer than AoS.

So what are your thoughts? Will Cypher kill Abaddon? It may be a safe bet to guess that this won’t be the final end to Abaddon, because let’s be honest, main characters really don’t stay dead long in the 40k realms. Either how we’ll most likely be finding the fate of Abaddon here shortly from GW themselves.

Once again, these are just RUMORS, don’t take them as cold hard facts.

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