GW Reveals AoS Warscrolls For Blightwar Characters

Blightwar Wal HorThe Blightwar box is finally up for order and we’re seeing the warscrolls for the new Neave Blacktalon and Horticulous Slimux models.

Games Workshop has made all the warscrolls for the new Blightwar box set free on the product page. So today we’re focused on the new characters Neave Blacktalon and Horticulous Slimux.

AoS Blightwar Stormcast AoS Blightwar Stormcast neave

Neave Blacktalon

Neave Blactalon is the new character model for the Stormcast Eternals. Not only is she a good looking model, but she is also someone to be feared on the battlefield. Her Boltstorm Pistol has a 9″ range, 2 attacks, 3+ to hit and wound, and does 1 Damage. Once you get in close though is when you’ll feel her true wrath. The Whirlwind Axes has a 1″ range, 7 attacks, 3+ to hit and wound, -1 rend, and does 1 Damage. These weapons may not seem like they’re doing much, but when you compound them with her Lightening-fast Strikes ability it becomes a different story.

For each hit roll of 6 or more for Neave Blacktalon in the combat phase, she may immediately make another attack. In addition, Tireless Hunter lets her run and shoot in the same turn, and Nemesis is causing 2 damage, instead of 1, on any of her attacks that target an enemy Hero. This is one model you won’t want to underestimate.

AoS Blightwar Nurgle

Horticulous Slimux

Horticulous Slimux is the new character for Nurgle, riding in gloriously on his snail? Overall it’s a pretty well rounded unit for Nurgle, both offensive and defensive. It attacks with both the Lopping Shears and Mulch’s Slime-encrusted Jaws. Lopping Shears has a 1″ range, 3 Attacks, 3+ To Hit and Wound, -1 Rend, and does D3 Damage.

Mulch’s Slime-encrusted Jaws also has a 1″ range, you get D3 attacks, 3+ To Hit and Wound, -2 Rend, and does 2 Damage. The abilities is where you really start to see the advantages of this model. Beast Handler allows you to re-roll failed charge rolls for friendly Beasts of Nurgle that are with 7″, and you can re-roll failed hit rolls of 1 for friendly units of Beasts of Nurgle within 14″.

Every time Horticulous Slimux takes a wound Disgustingly Resilient Kicks in letting you roll a dice, and on a 5+ the wound is ignored. In Death There is Life is going to be a great ability to keep your other units alive longer. All friendly Nurgle units within 7″ heal 1 wound each time a unit is wiped out within 7″ of this model.

Lastly we’re seeing the Ploughed Slime Trail ability, don’t you dare try to run away… Each time an enemy unit within 3″ of Horticulous Slimux starts to make a retreat they suffer D3 mortal wounds, because they slipped in his toxic slime, obviously.

All in all, there’s advantages to both of these new characters, but how you decide to use them is up to you.

Are you picking up the new Blightwar Box? What do you think about these new characters? Let us know in the comments below.

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