GW Confirms Great Unclean One in New Teaser

Great Unclean One Wal HorThe Great Unclean One has been confirmed! Games Workshop just gave us a teaser look at all three variants of this filthy new model.

Games Workshop just showed off the new Great Unclean One model that will be making its debut alongside other new Nurgle models. We already got a preview of him yesterday, but let’s take a look at what GW had to say and all the great new features of the new model and all of the different ways you can build him.

Next year, the forces of Nurgle will rise in the Mortal Realms, and the 41st Millennium, with a virulent host of new models, a new codex for the Chaos Daemons and 2018’s first battletome for Warhammer Age of Sigmar– Maggotkin of Nurgle.

We’ll be looking at some of the awesome new miniatures over the next 7 days, as well as giving away some free wallpapers (we are good to you!). Naturally, we’re starting with Nurgle’s mightiest Daemons – the Great Unclean Ones:

Great Unclean One

Very soon, the Great Unclean One will be reborn, combining the classic aesthetic you love with the very latest miniatures design technology. This gargantuan beast now lives up to its size in the lore of Warhammer, a living mountain of rotting flesh that’ll tower above the rest of your collection.

Great Unclean One

Of course, if the Great Unclean one looks familiar, there’s good reason for it – while the design might be modern, it hearkens back to some classic art from Warhammer’s history – most notably, Wayne England’s iconic depiction of Nurgle’s favourite servants.

Of course, good things come in threes, and you’ll be able to use this kit to build one of three variant Great Unclean Ones, each carrying a different set of equipment. The third is a new special character known as Rotigus:

Great Unclean One

Rotigus is worshipped in the far corners of the Mortal Realms and the 41st Millennium as a generous, life-giving deity of prosperity and fecundity. While Rotigus certainly is generous (as all servants of Nurgle are!), the gifts he gives are foul in nature, and any who pray for his patronage soon see the error of their ways…

This looks like it’s going to be mostly an Age of Sigmar release, the only mention of 40k was:

You’ll find datasheets and warscrolls for these guys in Codex: Chaos Daemons and Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle, updated to properly reflect the expanded weapon options (not to mention bulk!) now available in the kit.

Then you add in the preview picture of the Great Unclean One on the tabletop, and you’ll notice the Stormcast Eternals models sticking hands up at the bottom of the picture.

Great Unclean One

This all ties into our predictions from earlier:

From the look of these models, none are 40k specific so it is entirely possible that this release, while relevant to 40k, would tie into the AoS Maligned Portents more than the 40k side of things. Perhaps the 40k release itself will just consist of the Daemon rulebook, datacards and dice, with these models playable over in 40k as well?

Remember the first stand alone Daemon Army release back in 2007/08 was for BOTH systems; 40k, and Fantasy (at the time).

And the big guy himself. The Great Unclean One that has been universally identified based on posting and weapon load out:

I could see this guy definitely having more weapon options just like his brothers the Lord of Change, and Bloodthirster do. Plus you can expect his price to match as well: $115 all day.

This was just day two of the seven days of previews we’ll be receiving from Games Workshop. There’s was a couple other new models that were teased in the special Christmas video yesterday that we might be seeing throughout the week.

plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

A new piece of terrain, or something… else?plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

Two New Heralds of Nurgle?

plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

What looks to be Three Beasts of Nurgle with interchangeable top heads and hands (webbed and clawed)

plastic nurgle daemon preview new models

Some sort of drone riders with what looks to be non 40k type weapons. Perhaps an Age of Sigmar Release?

All in all these new releases really look like they’re bringing Nurgle back into the limelight. Make sure you’re checking back in with us throughout the week as Games Workshop gives us even more previews.

What do you think about the new Great Unclean One model? Are you going to be picking on up for yourself? Let us know in the comments below.

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