GW Previews New Nurgle & Daemon Battletome

Nurgle Alchemy Wal HorNurgle is getting a new battletome for Age of Sigmar and Games Workshop just gave us our first preview of what’s inside. Come check it out.

We had mentioned yesterday in our BOLD predictions post that the new Nurgle models seemed to weigh heavy on the AoS side, and GW did not disappoint with the a preview of the first new original battletome since last spring!

Games Workshop just gave us our first look inside the covers of Battletome: Maggotkin of Nurgle. Let’s check out some of the new rules and see what GW had to say about the new battletome.

AoS Maggotkin Nurgle

With expanded and updated rules for the Rotbringers – Nurgle’s most dedicated mortal servants – as well as the Daemons of Nurgle, you’ll be able to build a powerful, thematic collection dedicated to the God of Plagues.

Fans of the Rotbringers will now have a much wider tactical toolbox to work with, and while there are plenty of benefits to be had by mixing your army, a pure Rotbringers force is now more viable than ever, with new units to patch the tactical holes, magical spells of their own and a range of warscroll battalions.

Our favourite of these is the Lord of Blights, who adds much needed ranged capabilities to your Nurgle army. While this baleful figure looks like a close combat juggernaut (and, in all fairness, he’s no slouch in melee!), his real strength lies in the clutch of severed heads he carries with him. The Lord of Blights hands out these heads to nearby units of Putrid Blightkings, letting them bombard nearby foes.


Munificent Bounty Death’s Head has a 14″ range, 1 Attack, it’s a 4+ To Hit, 3+ To Wound, no Rend, and does 1 Damage. It’s not the best but it does give one of your friendly Putrid Blightkings a shooting attack.


Blades of Putrefaction has a casting value of 7 and will let you pick a visible friendly unit within 14″ of the caster. Until your next hero phase all hit rolls of 6+ for that unit inflict 1 mortal wound in addition to any other damage.

Great Unclean One


We got our first preview of the Great Unclean One yesterday, and today we’re getting a look at his stats. He’s going to have 16 Wounds, a 5″ Move, 4+ Save, and 10 Bravery. You’ll be able to equip him with a Plague Flail or Bileblade in one hand, and a Massive Bilesword or Doomsday Bell in the other hand. Additionally, he’ll be able to vomit streams of Noxious Bile, and he’s also have a Host of Nurglings at his feet that will be able to attack with their razor-sharp teeth.


Streams of Brackish Filth is going to make your opponent think twice before charging in on Rotigus. You’ll roll a dice for each enemy unit with 6″ of Rotigus in your hero phase, on a 4+ the enemy unit will suffer D3 mortal wounds. If the enemy unit has fly then it will suffer D3 mortal wounds on a 6+ instead.

Deluge of Nurgle has a casting value of 7, and you’ll roll 7 dice if it’s successfully cast. For each roll that equals or beats the Deluge of Nurgle value shown in the table you’ll pick a visible enemy unit from the caster, that unit will then suffer D3 mortal wounds. If the spell affects more than one unit you must pick a different enemy unit to suffer each D3 mortal wounds.


The Eye of Nurgle is going to allow the bearer to roll 2D6 at the start of your hero phase if there are models within 12″. If you exactly 7 the closest enemy model to the bearer is slain.

These new rules previews are making Nurgle look just as good on the tabletop as they are disgusting. Games Workshop will be previewing Nurgle all week so make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates.

What do you think about the new rules for Nurgle? Are you planning on starting a new army? Let us know in the comments below.

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