Nurgling Watch 2018: Do They Steal The Show?

By Juan Lopez | January 1st, 2018 | Categories: Death Guard, Editorials, Nurgle, Warhammer 40k News

Nurgling Wal HorGames Workshop has made Nurglings some of the most entertaining parts of Nurgle and Death Guard models. But are they stealing the show?

Nurglings always seem like they’re up to no good! You can see them popping up bases of a lot of new Death Guard and Nurgle models in all sorts of mischievous poses. They even have their own feature in January’s White Dwarf.

Nurglings Nurglings

With titles like The Chosen One, Danceling, Cheeky Nurgling, and Mulchbait the Nurglings have quickly become some of the more entertaining things to look at in my opinion. How can you not like Nurglings such as, one of the most recent, Nurgling the Hutt.

Nurgling the Hutt

Bring me Solo and the Wookiee!

Or the super sassy Nurgling that can be found in the Plague Marine Champion kit with his tentacles on his hips

Sassy Nurgling

Oh no you didn’t!

The Nurglings have brought a level of fun into the miniatures that we don’t normally see, and quite frankly I’ve been looking forward to see what the little guys are going to be doing next. I would honestly love to  see a kit we can buy that has all the greatest Nurglings from the different kits, and maybe throw some extras in there too. But it brings up a question, are they stealing the show?

Nurglings are usually optional bits to put on your base, but it almost seems like the model isn’t complete unless you include the Nurglings. They’re even getting there own spreads in the White Dwarf now. Is it going too far and taking away from the minis themselves? They’re quickly becoming some of my favorite features about the miniatures they come with! I literally bought the Plague Marine Champion kit just to get Sassy Nurgling, the model itself is still on the sprue.

I really do enjoy seeing what Games Workshop comes up for these little guys, and the places they put them on miniatures, but I’m still curious to know what you all think. Are they “stealing the show” from the minis they come with? Or are the perfect little additions to finish off a model? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

santa kharn

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About the Author: Juan Lopez