Forgebane & Necromunda Rules: End of MAR?

By Rob Baer | March 7th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

forgebane wal hor

The hype is real for the new Forgebane box set, Cyrptek, and Knight Armiger models, but when will we see the box set and these rumored Necromunda rules?

The new Forgebane box set seems to be on every 40k player’s radar currently, but what are the details for this new set? Let’s take a look at what we know, and what’s probably at this point!

Yesterday we covered our best guess for the pricing on the new set in which we ended up with a price tag of $160 for the set, and $50 for each Knight. Check out the full article on how we got there, and why we think it’s pretty accurate within a few dollars.

Now let’s take a look at even more clues on release date. It’s been a seemingly standard practice of Games Workshop to only preview the first half of the month’s releases in White Dwarf which they taut as “the best selling hobby magazine in the world” (and rightfully so).

Forgebane Contents

Then around the middle or last weekend of the month, they drop teaser previews for the second half of the month. March has been all sorts of convoluted with the cancelation of events last weekend, and then perhaps “unauthorized” teaser pics of Forgbane at what appears to be Warhammer World coming out of the Shadespire Grand Clash.

Either way Games Workshop was quick to put out their press release on Monday with additional details and a releases date of “coming soon”

march white dwarf teaser

Now that we know the contents of the box, it is likely that the reference to the “Ancient Evils” teaser in the back of the White Dwarf is a reference to the Necron side of the box, and we will see it releases here around the end of the month.

Last year at Adepticon time we saw the release of a combo box that you may remember called Talons of the Emperor for the same price point as we are assuming the Forgebane will be as well.

Talons of the Emperor

So it’s probable that will we see this set released around this time, if not go on pre-order for sale the next week in April.  Also, it appears new Necromunda rules are on the way for what we could perhaps assume were also a preview from Games Workshop recently, their pets.

Only time will tell if our pricing and release predictions are correct, but at the very least they are in the ballpark as the box set per GW can’t cost more than $188. So if the new Knights are more expensive, won’t be by much really.

The new Forgebane box set looks like it’s going to be must-have for Mechanicus and Necron players what do you think about our gluten-free gut feelings on the new set?

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