Not Orks? What is 40k’s Next Big Release

By Wesley Floyd | June 15th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Sorry Warbosses, Orks apparently are not next, but there are new rumors today for what 40k’s next big release may be this summer!

You can see it in the comments, and the attitudes of a lot of hobbyists out there, we’ve officially hit a dry spell for 40k. Latest rumors say no Orks or Space Wolves until late summer/ early fall so, what could GW be releasing 40k wise before then?

There have been some rumors floating around that a new game-mode set in the 40k universe could be coming. We’ve talked on this a little bit before.

What is 40k’s Next Big Release?

Kill team RT

This Skirmish game-mode has actually already been confirmed by GW. It IS coming, we just don’t know when. It doesn’t look like it’s going to be a reskinned kill team game. GW specifically called it a skirmish combat game. Maybe it is a different Space hulk-type game. You can see generators and heavy doors in the picture. Will these have interactions with the players?  Could this be under more development while we wait for the Space Wolf and Ork codex?

It looks like it’s going to be some Nurgle daemons going up against an elite Rogue Trader posse. One thing we still don’t know about it is the setting. It looks like it could be in space, or maybe under the ocean in a secret hideout.

rogue trader nurgle

This guy has half a squid for an arm, a harpoon going through him because maybe some fisherman thought he was his next catch of the day. The model even has a little fish hung on his waist. Clues are pointing to the latter of the two settings.

rogue trader

It looks like most if not all, the Rogue Traders have some kind of respirator too.

Space Wolves & Orks

ork wal hor

There still hasn’t been any official word on these two codexes, but we do have the following rumor:

New Orks August/September, then wolves following shortly. genestealers around the new year. Sisters Q3 2019 and thats 50/50.

Plus little tidbits here and there on Ghazghkull:

I’ve been sent some information regarding Orks and their upcoming codex for 8th Edtion. Apparently, they will be getting new kits and a big push with the new story. Now I’ve personally heard that Prime Orks are going to be a thing for them, remember, bring your SALT!

Ghazz is going to receive a new model, prime Ork. New models on release of codex.


Ghazghkull orks hor wal

Now today we’re hearing from anonymous industry experts on the retailer side of things that there may be something planned for 40k this July that won’t really interfere with either of the big summer tournaments:

Skirmish is back for 40k with expansions like Shadespire. But on 2×2 table mats with terrain, with eventual new model support. GW plans for it to be as big as shadespire was that they were not prepared for.

What do you think about this dry spell? Is this what GW could be doing in the 40k side of things?

Being that they are two of the later armies to get the codex, they will probably be incredibly strong. To all the Ork and Space Wolf fans out there. It may be hard, but be patient, you’re in the best position for power creep right now.

Let us know what you think in the comments over on our Facebook Hobby Page.

codex orks space wolves

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