Mighty Chewbacca & Wookies Come to Legion

By Wesley Floyd | August 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Legion, Warhammer 40k Rumors


No Star Wars universe would be complete without Chewbacca, and his furry Wookie friends. Good news is they’ll be hitting Legion very soon!

Fantasy Flight Games announced that they’ll be releasing Wookies and the big man Chewbacca himself into their tabletop game. Let’s take a look at what’s coming inside the expansion as well as how they’ll play.

Wookie Warriors $24.95

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Wookies are another special operations unit aside from the Rebel Commandos that were previewed earlier. These two units may have the same role, but play totally different.

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Unlike the Rebel Commandos’ tendency for stealthy infiltration and sabotage missions, the Wookiee Warriors prefer more direct confrontations. As you might expect, their massive strength serves them well in melee combat and their Ryyk Blades make them all the more deadly. Each Wookiee wielding these weapons contributes two black dice to a melee attack, making them ferocious opponents up close.

Bowcasters are still incredibly powerful as well. You can take them as a heavy option in your Wookie unit. The Bowcaster gets stronger up close so you could load your Wookies with pistols and keep the enemy in a short-range threat bubble for maximum potency.

Chewbacca $12.95

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Chewbacca is the named Wookie of the universe. You know what that means? Maximum plot strength. He towers over most other models and has brute strength that is hard to match. He is easily one of the most powerful melee units in the game.

Don’t Keep Best Friends Separated

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Despite the raw power that he brings to every battle, Chewbacca’s greatest strength might be the relationships he has built with the commanders he’ll join on the battlefield. He was flying with Han Solo long before they joined the Rebellion, so it’s only natural that the pair should be fighting in sync in the heat of battle.

Both heroes are formidable combatants on their own, and Chewie’s Teamwork ability further encourages him to work side-by-side with Han. This ability simply allows Chewbacca and Han Solo to gain an aim or dodge token whenever the other unit gains a token of the same type!

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Chewbacca has gained a close personal relationship for many of the Rebel characters. For even more icing on the cake, each of the command cards allows you to take Chewbacca in tandem with another hero. For example, Chewbacca and Han Solo have an almost unbreakable bond. This allows the player to ignore rules for command cards. Normally, you have to discard a command card after use. But using the two characters together allows you to put one right back into your hand.

Mighty Chewbacca & Wookies Come to Legion

Look for Chewbacca and the other Wookies to hit the shelves in the fourth quarter of 2018.

What do you think about these previews? Have you made plans to run Commandos and Wookies in the same list? Who will you be pairing Chewbacca up with? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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