New 40k Genestealer Cult Rules REVEALED

Genestealer Cultists

We’ve got exciting updates on the Xenos hybrids you know as Genestealer Cult. New rules have been spotted for some of their heavy lifters!

New Genestealer Cult previews were spotted on Imgur that have people talking. Take a look at the updated stats for Aberrants as well as the stat line for the Abominant unit that’s coming inside Tooth and Claw.

New 40k Genestealer Cult Rules REVEALED

Going off of the Index Xenos 2 book, let’s look at what else changed.

GSC points

Aberrants: kept their same point cost per model but can be taken in units of 5-10 instead of 4-8 now.

GSC melee weapons

Power Hammer: Went from 24 points to 16.

Power Pick: Went from 16 points to 10.

All other melee weapons stayed the same as far as point cost goes.

GSC ranged weapons

The ranged weapons that were spotted on Imgur kept the same point values as well.

GSC Aberrant

aberrant 1

aberrant statline

Aberrants look like they just got better across the board. We are comparing what was spotted on Imgur with the values in the Index: Xenos 2 book that came out at the beginning of 8th edition.

Aberrants stayed the same exact point value per model and can be taken in units of 5-10 instead of 4-8. On top of that, their weapon selection changed a bit. The Index only let them take Power Hammers, Power Picks, and a Rending Claw. Now, Aberrants can take all of those weapons with the addition of a Hypermorph tail and a Heavy Improvised Weapon.

Bestial Vigor is getting a huge buff as well. From originally only reducing any damage the model took by one, it now also grants the model a 5+++ Feel No Pain as well.

GSC Abominant

gsc abominant

The Abominant is a brand new model that’s supposedly only going to be exclusive inside Tooth and Claw boxes. Let’s look at what this monster is bringing to the game.

Starting off, he’s one toughness and strength higher than an Aberrant and has five wounds and three attacks. Not bad already considering he’s only four Power Level (80 points). Moving along to his weapon, he’s got a S12 hammer that does a minimum of 3 flat damage. He’s going to be a bit of a can opener in the right circumstances. The unit also gets two free S4 attacks with the Mindwyrm Familiar.

As you could’ve guessed, the Abominant is like the chief Aberrant. If he’s close enough to friendly Aberrant units, he can actually make every hit of a 6+ count as two hits instead of one.

You may think that a character with a 5+ save is squishy but his rules give him the survivability he really needs. He’s at five wounds base and can regain D3 lost wounds a turn. Before he even loses a wound, he’s got a 5+++ Feel No Pain to get through too.

Unquestioning Loyalty is pretty standard issue for Genestealer Cult characters to have so no surprises there.

The Mindwyrm familiar acts kind of like a “Shadow in the Warp” effect. All Psykers that are close enough have to subtract one from Psychic tests.

GSC Recap

Necromunda Genestealer Cults

At the end of the day, GSC looks like they’ll be a competitive army. Everything that’s been previewed so far looks like it’s only gotten better and cheaper. Of course, it’s way too early to see just how competitive they are. But GSC are a surprisingly mobile army that can only get more deadly as things get cheaper.

GSC players can even take Imperial Guard detachments with their army and we all know how competitive they are.

What do you think of the previews? What else do you hope they change in the GSC codex? Will you be taking an Abominant in your list? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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