GW Rumor Engine: New Slaanesh Weapon?

gw store rumor engine

A new rumor engine hit the internet and we think we might have an idea of what it could be. Check it out and tell us if you see something different.

Games Workshop revealed a brand new rumor engine showing what looks to be some kind of sword-arm. Whatever it really turns out to be, it definitely looks sleek. Let’s check out the latest!

If you missed last week’s rumor engine, be sure to check it out now.

New Slaanesh Weapon?

rumor engine 11-6-18

This is the new rumor engine that has us scratching our heads. At first glance, it looks something like a Daemonette claw…except its way more streamlined and has nice elegant curves. Speaking of elegant curves, check out the calligraphy near the top of the bit. We know Slaanesh has been the focal point of a handful of rumors here recently.

Could this be a new arm/weapon bit for a Slaanesh model on the way?


This bit looks half-way like some kind of Rapier…but if you look closely at the top of the bit, you can see what looks like some kind of muscles. It’s like it’s (weapon) is attached to an arm (further suggesting Daemonettes).

wrath & rapture slaanesh

We know GW hasn’t closed their agenda off to new Slaanesh characters. We saw this one previewed in some art for the Wrath and Rapture box coming. Who knows if this is yet another character for Slaanesh or something totally different!

Does the bit look like something besides Slaanesh to you? Could that be an arm we are looking at or is it something like a horn?  What do you think about this rumor engine? Are we on the right track? If you spotted something different, be sure to let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.