BLIPS! New GSC or Primaris Spotted In Rumor Engine?

gw store rumor engine

Games Workshop is back again with another rumor engine. Blips are on the radar! But what could the blips be? What are we looking at?

Games Workshop dropped another rumor engine right on time. We can’t say for sure we know what the rumor bit is, but it definitely looks like it’s for 40k. Let’s go over all the details a bit closer.

Also, make sure you check out the previous rumor engine if you haven’t already.

Blips on the Radar

rumor engine 1-22-19

The first thing we noticed is that it definitely looks Imperial possibly Primaris in design. But that doesn’t mean that it still belongs to the Imperium…On another note, it looks like this may be a screen on some kind of table or maybe even a satellite dish scanning for enemies.

So what are the blips?

gsc commander 1

This is a stretch…but we’ve been hearing possible rumors that the GSC will be using a “blip” system over the Cult Ambush and that the Xenos standing at the table will be able to manipulate those blips if you bring him.

Could the rumor engine bit be something that the Imperium has to counter the rumored blip system for the GSC by detecting them ahead of time? Maybe it’s more generalized and acts as some kind of radar that helps out against all units trying to deepstrike too close.

gsc new vehicle buggy rumor

Or could it be the instrumentation panel to the rumored Genesetealer Cult Buggy that may be hiding in plain sight?

whc gsc spoiler

At the end of the day, we do think it’s odd that a “blip system” was mentioned for GSC and then a rumor engine drops showing blips on a radar. However, we can’t say for sure what it is until GW drops more previews. They’re always hidden in them somewhere!

What do you think the rumor engine is? Is it for the Imperium at all? Could it be part of a new Primaris vehicle? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.