40k Long War Doubles Tournament Format For 2019

long war

Get ready for the 40k Long War Doubles Tournaments in 2019. Take a look at everything you need to know to participate and bring a friend!

Long War Doubles Tournaments are currently set to be held at LVO, and Adepticon for 2019 with more events potentially being added throughout the year. So what exactly is a Long War Doubles Tournament?

Working alongside other event types we strive to create an environment where the plethora of available events provides opportunities that appeal to ALL the different types of gamer. We believe that multiple event formats can only benefit and grow the pool of active competitive and casual players. A rising tide lifts all boats.

Editor’s Note: post has been updated with LVO 2019 changes to the packet.

long war doubles

You’ll be bringing a 1,000-point force and team up with another person to form a 2,000-point alliance. Then, you’ll go against other teams just like yourself to see who will come out on top! – Remember that when picking what factions can be paired up with each other, anything goes, but this event is more hobby centric and less about winning than most.

Long War Doubles 2019 Season Guidelines:

All scoring and event packs are available on our Bringing Hobby Back Resource Page. You can view the previous year’s packets as well!

longwar doubles kastelan robots winner

Our doubles tournament allows each player to bring 1000 point force, which you will pair with another player to form a 2000 point team.

The only hard and fast rules are that your army must be painted to a three-color minimum with basing. Each individual 1000 point army must follow the current FAQ’s for list construction which differs from standard 2000 point construction.

40k army construction FAQ

long war bulletsScoring will involve elements of Sportsmanship, Theme, Composition, Battle Points and of course Painting. To excel in this event your team should be exemplars of the hobby! But here’s the rub, your team’s army composition score is judged by your opponents. What does this mean in practice? Just don’t be a dick!

long war


Current Points Scoring Breakdown

Hobby Score=70%

Battle Score=30%

  • The major difference this year is that Theme is the biggest Hobby score. Max scores on theme are equal to max battle points.
  • Theme is judged by us and will include points for team spirit, physical narratives, and many more obvious points.
  • The next biggest score is painting followed by sports and comp which are both player-policed and equal.

Hobby Score PDF

long war painting

With a hobby score counting towards most of your points, you must’ve been curious as to what you can do to max them out right? Well, as you can see above, it’s pretty straight forward.

We’ll be looking at the little things that most people tend to look over (banners, blood marks, muddy cloaks etc.) as well as the things you’d expect every tournament to grade you on (three-color minimum etc.). Conversions are things that we love to see because we know it takes some real hobby muscles to pull off.

Get creative and make the army you have exactly how you want it to look!

Theme Score PDF

long war theme

The theme of your army doesn’t have to stop with your models. If you’re going to be playing Imperial Guard and you just so happen to have a Commissar outfit collecting dust in your closet, break that bad boy out and show it off! Flex on the haters with your themed dice, templates, and other accessories to the game and show your loyalty to your army.

You’ll be bringing a teammate with you so be sure you guys forge a working narrative on why your force decided to link up.

Look over the chart above so you know exactly how to max your points!

Player Policed Sportsmanship & Army Composition UPDATED

thumbs up



new long war score sheet 1

One unique thing about the Long War Doubles tournament is that you actually get points on how well your sportsmanship is. At the Long War Doubles, being a good person is just as important as being a good player. The format has also changed for the scorecards. It’s a bit easier than previously as you just have to check off one answer for Sportsmanship and Composition. Remember, The Long War Doubles isn’t a hyper-competitive tournament so have fun and make friends!

Long War Missions

tlw doubles socal armies on parade winner

We will be using a selection of ITC missions with a margin of victory on primary points. All scoring and event packs are available on our Bringing Hobby Back Resource Page. You can view the previous year’s packets as well!

Margin of Victory: UPDATED

itc format 2

The Margin of Victory scoring is now going to be based on current ITC missions packet. It’s easier for people to stick to what they know (ITC missions) vs. having to learn an entirely new scoring system.

itc format 3

As a quick reference guide, you can actually see which ITC secondary objectives allow “double dipping”.

Chapter Approved 2018 will be used. All Games Workshop FAQs will be in play with the following exception: If an FAQ or Codex comes out 2 weeks prior to the tournament, we will not use it. However, we will use ALL errata, even if it comes out the day of the tourney.

You’ve got time to prepare your lists for the Long War Doubles at Adepticon. Grab a friend and playtest a few lists, look good, and don’t make any feel badsies. What army is your “flagship army”? Are you going to make a list from scratch in time? Or will you bring out your tried and true favorite faction! Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

Bringing Hobby Back Resource Page.