New Gloomspite Gitz Da Bad Moon Rules SPOTTED

By Wesley Floyd | January 2nd, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

bad moon wal

Ever wonder why the Gloomspite Gitz worship the Bad Moon? Today’s rules preview that was just spotted by GW, explain it’s strange effects as in-game rules.

Games Workshop previewed what kind of effects the Bad Moon will be giving off on the tabletop in Age of Sigmar. Check out their strange Allegiance Ability, and don’t miss the latest previews on the Gloomspite Gitz faction overall.

Da Bad Moon Rises

In case you missed it, the new Gloomspite Gitz has all of the factions of Troggoths, Spiderfang Grots, Moonclan Grots, and Gargants lumped into one. Now it looks like the Bad Moon gives off different effects to certain units and factions.

So how does the moon work?

bad moon chart

At the start of the game, you’ll say that the Bad Moon is in a certain corner of the map divided into 4. From then on, the Moon moves from corner to corner. Any unit (friend or foe) gets a certain effect placed on them by the mystic powers of the Bad Moon.

So what are those powers exactly?

Bad Moon’s Mystical Powers

gloomspite gitz 2

  • Gloomspite Gitz Wizards: Get +1 to cast spells under the Moon while enemy units are -1.
  • Gloomspite Gitz Generals: Get an additional Command Point in the hero phase if they are under the moon.

Looks like meat's back on the menu

  • Squigs: can advance and charge while under the Moon

Squigs need to get into combat. The fact that they can essentially cut their out of combat time in half by advancing and still being able to charge could make them a real predator on the table.

  • Moonclan Grotz: Can reroll hit rolls of 1.
  • Spiderfang Grotz: Become more potent with mortal wounds triggering on a 5+ to hit rather than a 6+.

troggoth hag

  • Troggoths: Can reroll the dice to see if they regenerate wounds (2+) OR  double the results on the first roll.

This can make the Troggoth Hag almost invincible. She heals herself D6 wounds a turn…Even rolling a 4 as the result essentially means that she’ll heal 8 wounds back. Gross.

Board State Effect: Enemy units anywhere on the board also have a chance to get hit with meteors from the Bad Moon. (we’re guessing this will look like D3 mortal wounds).

All in all, this new allegiance ability with the Bad Moon looks like it’s going to be very powerful and will act like a swiss army knife. The player can manipulate its location to give a needed effect to a few key units throughout the game.

That being said it also perfectly reasonable that there could be additional rules that may let you manipulate the moon’s position further when the Battletome is fully revealed!

What do you think about the Gloomspite Gitz Allegiance abilities? What effect seems the strongest to you?  Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.