New 40k Chaos Models Hidden In Plain Sight, Again

khorne daemonkin sm wal chaos

Chaos are getting a heaping dose of love from Games Workshop inside Shadowspear. Could the black Legion be getting new Possessed models as well?

Shadowspear is the new box what was previewed on Warhammer Community at the LVO. The Box is based around the Vigilus campaign and has been said to have all completely new models across the board. We’ve actually seen a handful of Chaos units as well as new Primaris squads already.

But there looks to be more lying in wait as a potential Primaris Skimmer may be squaring up against the Chaos Walker inside!

New Possessed model in Shadowspear?

Shadowspear Box Set

Looking at the cover of the Shadowspear box, there’s a Daemon-looking Space Marine slashing the chest of some Primaris. But what is that model exactly?

Could it be just an updated old unit like Possessed (finally)? Is it a Gal Vorbak character?

What’s the difference between Possessed and Gal Vorbak? We’re glad you asked! Gal Vorbak were the first to have ever been “blessed” by possession in the Horus Heresy. It would make sense that a Gal Vorbak from back in the day could survive long enough to make a name for himself (and maybe become an HQ on the table for his Possessed brothers).

rumor engine claw

This rumor engine from a while ago looks to have finally been matched up to that Possessed artwork! However, we haven’t seen the official model that it goes to as of yet. But it turns out it looks to be the business end of a Chaos unit.

Looking back at the artwork, he’s the only model that looks like that. Either he is going to be a nasty beat-stick of a character that you’ll only need one of. Or perhaps, his friends are just hiding in the tides of war.

We also suspect this backpack may be part of this new model, or a squad of possessed models as well:

Daemon Possessed Backpack?

rumor engine 2-12-19 2

Games Workshop was actually nice enough to give us a picture of a bit and there’s no doubt that a Daemon is inside whatever it is. At first glance, we thought it could be the backpack of some kind of new model/character like maybe a Possessed.


tooth and claw

So as of right now, we have FOUR new Chaos units confirmed for this box and TWO for the Primaris.  Will there be more? Carrion Empire, for example, had four units on each side, as well as Tooth and Claw which featured Primaris and Gensestealer Cults.

New Chaos Models Confirmed For Shadowspear:

abaddon new warmaster figure

We also know that a new Abaddon is on the way as well, and only time will tell if Shadowspear will contain more models that the previous starters sets, or the same…

Ultimately, what do you think that mysterious Chaos art could be? Is it a new kind of Possessed unit entirely? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.