Top 5 New 40k Rules We’d Like to See in Future White Dwarfs

By Wesley Floyd | February 1st, 2019 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors, White Dwarf

sisters of silence Top 5 New 40k Rules We'd Like to See in Future White Dwarfs

Want more new rules for 40k? Check out this list of updates GW could put in the White Dwarf that could make some models and sub-factions relevant again!

We’ve seen White Dwarf preview things like the new Index Astartes rules. Right now we’ve only got Crimson Fists, as well as beta rules for Bolters. GW also made the announcement in the magazine saying that they could definitely release future beta rules and supplements that were more “faction focused” in the future as well.

So with that in mind here are some ideas on the factions we think they should cover first.

Sisters of Silence Rules

Sisters of Silence art

Sisters of Silence are still a functioning force in the 40k lore. They have models for the sisters on the tabletop but why don’t we see them? Could be because they don’t have any support for the most part. They aren’t equipped to face the CP-guzzling Knights or the whirlwind of attacks that can come from a Slam Captain. What we’re trying to say is that they probably need some serious change to actually see play. We actually covered some of the key things Sisters of Silence may need to put them back on track to being a viable army.

All it would take is one White Dwarf edition to rework a few keywords and rules.

Kroot & Vespid Rules

kroot mercanary Hey 40k, How Does A Kroot & Vespid Codex Sound?

Kroot and Vespids have been a couple of factions that have always come up in the past when the community talks about codexes. The Kroot are a minor faction in 40k that actually see a decent amount of play. But there’s nothing that really makes them feel like anything more than meatshields for the Tau.

We already saw rules for an entire Kroot Kill Team come out in January’s White Dwarf. So what’s stopping GW from giving them a couple of stratagems and unique rules?

Inquisition Reworked

Looking at the Inquisition, they have absolutely no troop choice. Plus, the way their keywords work, if you wanted to bring one along, you’d either have to make a Vanguard detachment or just spend a whole CP to bring them in an auxiliary detachment.

You’d think an Inquisitor that’s able to step foot on any Imperial transport would have the ability to join the forces of any Imperial army… but, you’d be wrong! As it sits, the Inquisition is another untouched goldmine of models waiting to be good again.

A simple hotfix in a White dwarf allowing them to ignore the keyword rules would make them a great option to take along. 

Update Minor Space Marine Chapters

primaris imperial fist

In 8th edition, the minor Chapters of Space Marines remain pretty much gutted. They have maybe one or two exclusive stratagems and that’s really it. When you compare the Chapters to older editions, you can sotra see how lacking they are.

GW could just port some of the rules from 30k over to 40k using White Dwarf as the medium. It would make sense after all…They’re all really the same fighting force as they were 10,000 years ago. -albeit smaller.

The Imperial Fists for example. They have a Bolter Drill stratagem that gives them an extra shot with a boltgun on a 6+ to hit. Which is good, sure, but why not something a little better? Now, if they updated that stratagem to do what Imperial fists do in 30k (which is hit on a 2+ with bolt weaponry), it wouldn’t be half bad. Especially when you bring Sternguard Vets with their -2 AP Bolters.

Assassins Index on The Way From White Dwarf

From the previewed picture, (presumably on the back cover of February’s issue) it looks like the Assassins will be getting an update in March if the trend continues. We had to update this part of our post that called for new updated assassins rules.

codex assassins White DWarf Assassins Up Next For New White Dwarf Rules?

Now if you are thinking that Assassins are not Space Marines, why the heck would they be getting new rules? Well, remember what the White Dwarf team has already said?

Regarding 40k, these rules will not be locked to only loyalist chapters but will include chaos and xeno factions; basically, anyone with a sub-faction rule will be looked at in time. (Remember there will only be six new sub-faction per game system each year and Loads of armies to cover.)

So it looks like this will be the second “sub faction” to get the White Dwarf treatment for 40k, and the third or fourth time the Assassins have gotten updates in the White Dwarf. They have been released this way for both second and third edition 40k, and as recent as 7th edition as well.

assassin rules 7th eidtion

7th Edition Assassins Codex

Another thing to note is how the Genestealer Cult Assassin type models work. They have pretty cool potential, can augment units around them, and stratagem support in the book as well. Maybe we’ll see something like that in March’s White Dwarf for the Imperium as well.

Essentially, the changes that GW would be making to the game wouldn’t warrant an entire hardback codex to be printed. So it would make sense for them to drop the changes in a couple of pages from a White Dwarf magazine. Honestly rules bloat aside, it’s good business from a lean company strategy perspective.

How would you like to see the changes we talked about from above? Which faction do you think they’ll work on after Assassins? Let us know in the comments of our  Facebook Hobby Group.