New Forge World Releases For March 15th REVEALED

By Wesley Floyd | March 9th, 2019 | Categories: Forge World, Nurgle, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Forge World announced its next wave of pre-orders and Nurgle is getting a little bit of Blood Bowl support. Check out the latest new release and bundle.

Forge World latest pre-orders would are all for those gifted by Nurgle in Blood Bowl.

How do you think a slow, putrid sports team would do in a tournament filled with quick Skaven and cunning Eldar? Well, Nurgle’s team might not be the most mobile team out there. However, just like in 40k and AoS, they’re tough as nails!

Remember, These are up for pre-order now and will ship on March 15, 2019.

Nurgle Rotspawn $31

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What is a Rotspawn exactly? Well, it’s essentially a Chaos Spawn that just got blessed by Nurgle too hard. This guy was once a champion of Nurgle that was showered in the Grandfather’s gifts (probably too quickly). Because of that, his physical form couldn’t take it and was mutated into a writhing mass of tentacles and folds. He also lost his mind in the process. The rest of the team has to handle him carefully and guide him where to go.

The Nurgle Rotspawn is not just a brawler, but a lynchpin of the line of scrimmage. Its combination of Tentacles and Disturbing Presence can lock down the centre of the pitch by disrupting your opponent’s actions, and Foul Appearance can confound their attempts to take it on directly. And it hits like… well, a bloated mass of muscle and tentacles!

Nurgle’s Rotters- Unleash The Rotspawn $66

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There’s no point in getting a Rotspawn if you don’t have the team to go with him, right? Well, Forge World is running a bundle offer with a full Nurgle’s Rotters team and the Rotspawn together. For just $35 more, you can get yourself a full Blood Bowl team!

Blood Bowl is constantly getting new support from Forge World. With all the releases to the game lately, are you wanting to give it a shot? Do you play a Nurgle faction in any other games? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.