New Age of Sigmar Terrain Pieces SPOTTED Plus More New Sylvaneth..

stormcast on dracoth sigmar vandus wal hor

The new Stormvault terrain was just spotted for Age of Sigmar in May’s White Dwarf, and it looks like more for AoS is on the way soon as well!

Before we jump into the terrain kits and other exciting previews on Age of Sigmar, make sure you get caught up on all the initial rumors:

Coming from Sprues & Brews, there was some talk of new terrain kits that are on the way. Plus some more chatter about Sylvaneth getting support.

Initial Rumors: New Terrain Kits Mentioned


We all know that every AoS faction that’s been updated has no real reason NOT to take their terrain piece. It’s free and gives all sorts of bonuses depending on which faction you’re playing. Either way, it looks like three new terrain/scenic kits might be on the way to AoS. The names mentioned are:

  • Sigmarite Dais
  • Enduring Stormvault
  • Shattered Temple
  • Fallen Statues

While the Sigmarite Dais and Enduring Stormvault sound like a new terrain piece for the Stormcast Eternals, the Shattered Temple and Fallen Statues sound more in line with just scenic tabletop terrain. Of course, they’ll probably be compatible with the special terrain/realm rules in the game.

forbidden power

We can’t forget about some of the models we’ve seen coming inside of the Forbidden Power expansion. We first saw the word of these models coming to Age of Sigmar back at a GAMA preview.

Forbidden Power is an expansion for every Warhammer Age of Sigmar player that’ll put you at the heart of the latest battles in the Soul Wars. Look forward to major narrative developments, new magical powers to unleash and new rules for all of your games. We’ll have more news on just what it means for you soon.

Sylvaneth’s Name Dropped in Battletome Rumorssylvaneth wal

The Sylvaneth were mentioned as coming very soon from an industry insider. But that’s not all. Along with the Battletome, the tree peoples should be getting the usual GW faction treatment of a new Terrain piece, warscroll cards, dice, and supposedly at least one new models as well.

Which we assume is the Arch-Revenant from the Looncurse that was just revealed:


It seems like we’ve been seeing an AoS faction get overhauled every other month. The latest being Skaven and Fyreslayers. Sylvaneth is definitely one of the more popular factions that you’ll spot on the tables but they could definitely use a refresher!

Terrain Spotted in White Dwarf

WD terrain 1


WD terrain 2

With the mention of the Sigmarite Dais, Enduring Stormvault, Shattered Temple, and Fallen Statues, We’ve got an early look of the kits in the next White Dwarf coming from Jamie the Jasper on Twitter. 

Assuming all of the kits are in these two pictures, we’re thinking that the Enduring Stormvault is the terrain piece with Sigmar carved in stone. The Sigmarite Dais could be what the Celestant Prime is standing on. Daughters of Khaine are standing atop the Shattered Temple, and finally, the fallen statues could just be the crumbled remains in the corners of the pictures (i.e to the left by the Spirit Hosts in the first pic and maybe the sandy skull in front of the Shattered Temple).

While we don’t have rules on these terrain pieces yet, it looks like GW is going to be putting more emphasis on filling our games with unique buildings that we’ll have to watch out for. The Shattered Temple looks like it’s seething with dark purple magic which could be dangerous if you get too close.

Sylvaneth Support Development: Looncurse Box Set Announced


We first saw the Looncure mentioned back from a video preview roughly a month ago but we really didn’t have any clue as to what it would be.

However, now that it’s gotten its full preview, we know its a Box Set showcasing a new Sylvaneth and Gloomspite Gitz model.





Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig

While the Box Set doesn’t scream any new word about their battletome coming, we think it’s odd that the initial rumors suggested support/battletome and about a week later, the Looncure Box Set drops. Could more be on the way for Sylvaneth? Is the Looncure Box only a harbinger for what’s to come for the faction?

Let us know what you think in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.