A Questionable Scabbard: New GW Rumor Engine SPOTTED!

gw rumor engineThe next time we see another rumor engine, it’ll be in 2020! Take a look at the last rumor engine of the decade. It’s obvious, yet raises some questions.

Warhammer Community revealed another rumor engine showing what’s on the way to the tabletop. While they usually have something to do with 40k or AoS, it’s difficult to debunk which game it belongs to based on the bit alone. Take a closer look and tell us what you think!

RUMORS: Primaris Bikes, Land Speeders & More Spotted

A Questionable Scabbard: New GW Rumor Engine Emerges

rumor engine 12-31-2019Right away, we can see that it’s some kind of sheathed blade. And it may look weird to see the bit sort of free-floating with nothing around it. However, GW has a habit of cropping out background details that would help give the bit away. So with that said, there are still some clues to talk about.

While swords are everywhere in AoS… like seriously almost every character has some kind of blade on them, this bit may actually have a higher chance of belonging in the 40k universe. Just for one simple detail. If you look on the scabbard itself, you can see some kind of goblet trinket attached to the fabric.

death company rumor engineLooking at the Blood Angels Death Company unit, they are littered with goblets of different sizes on their models. From larger ones on the chest and shoulder plate, they also have scaled-down versions on the helmet/belt that look to be a near-exact match to what’s on the sword.

RUMORS: Primaris Bikes, Land Speeders & More Spotted

primaris-new-unitsDon’t miss what looks to be three new Primaris models (bikes, landspeeder and a tank) spotted in a single picture. Check out the latest! Read More

Could this be the first set of clues to a melee Primaris unit that could only be for Blood Angels? Could it just be a fancy sword for a character in Age of Sigmar?

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