Get Your Event Tickets For Adepticon 2020 Today!

adepticon gaming conventionGet ready for the world’s premier wargaming convention, and secure your tickets TODAY for all the amazing events at Adepticon 2020!

Come and get signed up for the biggest wargaming convention in the world as we take a look at the latest announcement from the Adepticon staff.

Adepticon 2020

AdeptiCon 2020:

AdeptiCon 2020 Registration Goes Live at 1:00 PM CST

Hundreds of events, from large-scale tournaments to single event games, hobby seminars and demos, are now available to preview at the AdeptiCon site. Representing about 90% of the final event slate, the preview should give you a great start at planning your 2020 AdeptiCon schedule.

Adepticon 2020 Medal

Whether you plan on leading your vaunted Space Marines into desperate combat with the dreaded xenos, driving your well-armed war-rig across the post-apocalyptic desert, or making the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, the preview schedule has our most diverse offering of games and hobby events yet.

Keep in mind that events are subject to change between now and the opening of registration on Sunday December 8th at 1:00 Central.

Resin Beast 2020

All AdeptiCon attendees will be able to pick up their badge and event tickets at the AdeptiCon registration table starting Wednesday, March 25th at 7:00 pm or any of the following days beginning at 7:00 am.Adepticon 2020

Weekend Badges and event tickets for open events can be purchased on-site starting Thursday, March 26th at 7:00 am.

AdeptiCon 2020 will take place on March 25th through the 29th at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel in Schaumburg, IL. All the registration details can be found right here! 


AdeptiCon has grown consistently over the past sixteen years, from the humble 110 person event in 2002, to the amazing 6,500 attendees AdeptiCon hosted in 2019. Over these sixteen years, AdeptiCon has been held at five different venues. We have expanded from a handful of events to well over 450 tournaments, event games, and hobby seminars covering all aspects of the miniature wargaming hobby. Despite the continued growth and necessary expansion, we have made every effort to keep a consistent focus on one major priority: to present to our attendees the highest quality wargaming event possible. This will remain our priority for 2020 and beyond.

Tickets go on sale Sunday, December 8th for this great event. Don’t forget to sign your two-man team up for the best Warhammers 4ok doubles event in the world The Long War Doubles event!

The Long War Doubles:Long War Doubles

Day: Friday | Start Time: 10:00 AM | End Time: 9:00 PM | Game System: Warhammer 40,000 | Event Type: Tournament | Experience Required: Some | More Info: Link | Total Capacity: 108 | Remaining Capacity: 105 | Cost: 60

Our doubles tournament allows each player to bring 1000 point force, which you will pair with another player to form a 2000 point team. The only hard and fast rules are that your army must be painted to a three-color minimum with basing. Each individual 1000 point army must follow the current FAQ’s for list construction which differs from standard 2000 point construction.
Long War Doubles
Team Event: This Team Event requires two players to form a single team. Only the Team Captain is required to purchase this event ticket. The team registration fee covers all players on a team. All team members are required to purchase an AdeptiCon Badge.

Don’t miss out on this amazing celebration of everything hobby! Make sure you sign up for your favorite games and we will see you at Adepticon 2020!

Adepticon 2020

Keep Up With Announcements At The Adepticon Facebook Page!