GW Confirms Sons of Behemat (sort of) & More Previews!

zoats warhammer 40k blackstone fortressGW isn’t slowing down one bit. Check out what was just revealed for Blackstone Fortress, Beastgrave, and an interesting easter egg for Sons of Behemat…

The time is now, Games Workshop just previewed more of their 2020 LVO the Las Vegas Open. Peeling things back a bit deeper, we’re going over what’s on the way to some of their most popular specialist games.

lvo preview

Las Vegas Open 2020

We saw a ton of previews already from GW for the 2020 release calendar at the new years open, and have been hearing a ton of rumors about new point elves, Psychic Awakening and more. But right now, we’re going to step inside the world of specialist games looking at what’s on the way to Blackstone Fortress first.

Goats? Boats? No, Zoats in Blackstone Fortress!

blackstone fortress zoat 1

If you like your Warhammer in Quest form, there are some exciting developments coming your way. Blackstone Fortress has given us the opportunity to populate its labyrinthine corridors with all manner of obscure beasties and beings. This latest addition just might be the most unexpected.


Early Zoat model

By now, you’re probably scratching your head wondering what a “Zoat” is and why it’s back…But a long time ago, they were actually a part of the Tyranids.

 Back in the distant past of Warhammer 40,000 they were a race of strange creatures who served as heralds for the Tyranid Hive Fleets before disappearing, seemingly forever. (We all assumed they’d just been eaten…)

blackstone fortress zoat 2Now, a single Zoat model is on the way to Blackstone Fortress. Just don’t assume that these will be coming back to the Tyranids in 40k…It looks like it’s sticking to Blackstone Fortress, which is beginning to turn into a menagerie of beasts full of nostalgia.

Sons of Behemat (sort of) & More Previews!


In the same video speaking about the Zoat for Blackstone Fortress, the design crew was mentioning (jokingly) releases that have just came out. However, one of the last answers was The Sons of Behemat. Which we heard just recently in a part of some shipping document rumors.

sons of behemat

Could that have been GW throwing the rumor community a bone and nudging us that there is something else coming for Age of Sigmar?

sons of behemat shipping documentIt’s difficult to tell what exactly the Sons of Behemat will look like in terms of support. But we have seen them mentioned in a GW video and also appeared in Warscroll form in a shipping document.

And for those who don’t know already, Behemat is a massive godbeast from Ghur AKA FATHER OF THE GARGANTS!

Wurmspat Beastgrave Warband

warhammer underworlds age of sigmar wal wurmspatWarhammer Underworld’s latest expansion, Beastgrave, is getting a Warband of three bloated models. The Wurmspat is a trio of Rotbringers that are ready to tank wounds and corrupt everything they touch.

warhammer underworlds beastgrave wurmspatBeing only three models, their main weakness might be board presence. However, what we’ve seen as a major strength with Warbands using few models is that they’re incredibly tanky. And seeing that these are all Rotbringers, they’re probably about to be the hardest Warband to take down. With that said, they may also be one of the weaker ones in terms of damage output. Especially after reading what WHC had to say about them.

Consisting of two Putrid Blightkings and Sorcerer Fecula Flyblown, this Warhammer Underworlds warband employs the unique play style of the Maggotkin of Nurgle – they’re durable, relentless and superb at wearing enemies down in a battle of attrition. Also, if you thought Nurglings were cute, check out this adorable little retchling! 

Even if you’re not a fan of Warhammer Underworlds, these models might still be on your radar. Each one is packed with detail and could be a perfect alternate model for a Rotbringer Sorcerer or a Lord of Blights in AoS.

Wow, what are you excited about the most?

Las Vegas Open 2020

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