Wait Did GW Just Make Dark Angels Super Good Now?

lazarus dark angels psychic awakeningNew Dark Angels Ritual of the Damned 40k rules are here, and they are pretty spicy so far and this is day one! Check out their latest preview!

Warhammer Community pulled the curtain back on a few of the rules in store for Dark Angels inside of the next Psychic Awakening expansion. With Ritual of the Damned just around the corner, here’s the tip of the iceberg on what Dark Angels are bringing to the table.

Dark Angels Rules Previewed For Ritual of the Damned SPOTTED

Dark Angels Lazarus Primaris


dark angels lazarus enmitys edge

New 40k Grey Knights Rules for Ritual of the Damned

Lazarus is the newly-previewed Psychic Awakening Primaris character for the Dark Angels. Being a named character, he’s also coming with some dope wargear. His sword was previewed revealing that he’ll be able to really hate on Psykers. Being -4 AP, any kind of named Psyker will be forced to take an invuln save. However, if he goes against other Marines and their Librarians, he’ll be able to melt through their armor outright.

dark angels relic spiritshield helmMaking him even more of a badass, he’s also giving off a 6″ 5+++ FNP to friendly Dark Angels UNITS that would lose a mortal wound. This is really similar to the 5++ invuln save that the Iron Father gave to all units but eventually got nerfed to just help Infantry models.

Will the same fate might lie in wait for Lazarus as well?

Dark Angels Devastator Doctrine Is What Every Chapter Takes ANYWAYS…

dark angels doctrin relentless huntSoooo…Dark Angels have no real reason to ever move outside of the Devastator Doctrine. They get bonuses to Heavy, Rapid Fire, Assault, and Pistol weapons so why ever change? This is definitely the most wide-spread Doctrine bonus that we’ve ever seen come to a Chapter so far.

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A potent firebase for a DA list might be Lazarus babysitting two ten-man Hellblaster squads getting +6″ range to all their plasma.

dark angels litany stoic prosecutionStoic Prosecution is dope for oppressive armies that like to footslog. Maybe a Hellblaster Squad with Plasma Incinerators walking up the board.

Deathwing & Ravenwing Support

speeder dark angels ravenwing


dark angels warlord trait outriderLooking toward some of the specialists of the Dark Angels, you’ll be able to choose a few nice Warlord Traits/Wargear, etc. Outrider for the Ravenwing, for example, will let your Warlord and another Ravenwing unit move a free 12″ before any other models move when the game begins. That’s a great way to create some early game pressure. (This is very similar to the Death Company’s Forlorn Fury Strat).

dark angels relic key of archrabaelDeathwing love their Termies, and if you bring the Key of Archrabael on an HQ, you’ll make them slightly above the spectrum of Primaris HQs. All in all, however, there are probably better relics to choose from than this one.

dark angels stratagem combined assaultCombined Assault is a great way to make some saucy charges when you deepstrike a Deathwing unit in. They can come in 6″ away from an enemy model, but the Deathwing has to come in within 6″ of a Ravenwing Biker.

All in all, Dark Angels are looking insanely powerful with the combined arms of Lazarus and their Devastator Doctrine bonus. What are your thoughts on the support that’s on the way? What units will you be capitalizing on? 

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