What to Buy Next For The Adeptus Titanicus Starter!

Adeptus Titanicus Warlord TItan wal horNeed direction on where to take your collection after the new Adeptus Titanicus starter? Here’s what we recommend you buy next for the most flexibility.

If you’re all about hobbying on the cheap, the new Titanicus starter box might be on your radar. But where do you take your Legion beyond that? If you’re looking to expand, there’s one unit, in particular, that’ll give you the most bang for your buck.

We’ve just had the price confirmed by multiple retailers, so let’s break down what kind of value lies inside the starter box first!

Adeptus Titanicus Starter Box $150

adepticus titanicus starter set 2020

This impressive set includes 2 Reaver Titans, 2 Warhounds, and 2 Cerastus Knights, plus all the tokens, dice, and counters you need to play the game. Split it with a friend for two balanced forces, or keep it all to yourself – we won’t blame you. 

Coming with the smaller, but no less useful classes of Titans, this starter set is actually great if you want to expand your force from the Grand Master Edition. None of the models  in this new set overlap, and the new set is still great to learn how to play as well.

In case you were wondering, here’s the value of everything coming inside.

  • 1x Warhound Titans (two come in one box) $65
  • 2x Reaver Titans $60 ea. ($120 total)
  • 1x Cerastus Knights (two come in one box) $35
  • Rules set $60 The rules aren’t sold separately online by GW now. However, in the past, they were sold at $60 a pop.

Total MSRP: $280

Total Savings: $130

This isn’t a bad deal at all if you’re looking for a cheap(er) way to get into the game. The bottom line is you’ll be about a “normal” upfront cost for a GW published game. But because all the models are roughly the size of Dreadnoughts (which sell for $55-$60) they are also way more detailed in terms of weapons and posing.

Where Do You Go Beyond the Starter?

If you’re wanting to get the most mileage out of the money you spend, there’s one model, in particular, that’ll serve you the best. Enter the Warlord Titan

Adeptus Titanicus Weapon Upgrade Frames

The Warlord is high on the spectrum in terms of price. However, in-game he’s a monster, and by bringing one of these, it gives you the ability to fill bunch of different Maniples.

Maniples are basically Detachments (in 40k terms) that give you special bonuses and organize yoursforces. By bringing a Warlord and mixing him in with the different units from the start box, you’ll be able to take:

  • Axiom Battle Maniple (Warlord)
  • Dominus Battleline Maniple (Warlord)
  • Fortis Battle Maniple (Warlord)
  • Janissary Battleline Maniple
  • Ferrox Light Maniple
  • Venator Light Maniple

The Warlord kit by itself comes in at $110, which is expensive any way you swing it, but you essentially double your Maniple options and get to bring a HUGE amount of firepower to the board. It’s definitely what we recommend if you want to expand on the new starter box.

You couldn’t go wrong with another box of Warhound Titans or even some of the dreaded Poryphiyron knights as well.

Speaking of starter box, the first starter set, the Grand Master Editionhas pretty much been all bought up at this point. So this new starter set for 2020 looks to be the next best buy if you’re wanting to jump into the game or expand your collection on a budget.

What’s your favorite Titan model in the game? Do you prefer to spam Knights or roll deep with three Warlords?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!