New Value: Adeptus Titanicus Grandmaster Edition Review

By Tim Roberts | February 3rd, 2019 | Categories: Adeptus Titanicus, Games Workshop, Product Review, Videos

Adeptus Titanicus Review

Check out some hot values for rock’em sock’em Titan action in the new 40k Adeptus Titancius Grandmaster Starter Box review!

Come and see the large and in charge big box set for Adeptus Titanicus. We peel back the layers on the Grand Master Edition so you can see exactly what value is in this box!  Get the best tips on how to spend your hobby dollars for Titanicus.

Adeptus Titanicus: Grand Master Edition: $290.00

Get Yours For Less From Miniature Market


Adeptus Titanicus: The Horus Heresy is a tabletop game of devastating combat between awe-inspiring machines, set during the civil war that tore the galaxy apart. Two players take control of a variety of Titans – colossal, bipedal war engines covered in thick armour and weapons which can level a city in a single salvo. It is a strategic challenge in which you pit your skill and cunning against your opponent in a battle to the death; a test of tactical skill demanding the management of the resources at your disposal, determining the optimal reactions to the evolving state of the battlefield.

Titanicus Knights

First up, we get to see the new Imperial Knight sprue, and these guys are tiny! They are roughly the size of a Space Marine Terminator and are on 40 mm bases. This gives you a true feel for the actual scale for this game.

Warlords Sprues

In the Grand Master Edition, you also receive two of the Warlord Titans that alone are $110 each so this box, though expensive, has a lot of value for your hobby dollars. Rob also gives you the magnet sizes neede to future proof your titans for weapons upgrades.

Terrain Titanicus

The secret to this set is that it is great to split with a friend. All you need is the separate Adeptus Titanicus Rules Set and you have everything you need to split this set down the middle as it even has two full sets of Titanicus terrain in this box.

Grand Master Swag

Last but not least we get to see all the components that you receive that you need to play this game of epic robot battle. The 96-page rulebook, cards, dice, decals and all the other great things that are also covered in the Adeptus Titanicus Rules Set unboxing video.

Challenge your friends to a battle of the ages! Also, make sure you check out our full Unboxing Video for the Grand Master Edition below!