GW Teases New Necromunda Cawdor, Enforcers & Eschers!

necromunda hor walpaperSurprise! New teaser previews are here for Necromunda Eschers, Cawdor, and even Enforcers! Check out the latest on House of Blades and the Underhive!
Warhammer Community dropped a wave of previews of what’s on the way to some of GW’s biggest titles at GAMA 2020. Keep in mind that there’s no official date on all this stuff just yet, but now we know it’s coming.

Gama Expo 2020

gama 2020 wal

This year’s GAMA is going on right now in Reno, Nevada. With nights full of games as well as over 150 booths loaded with hobby and tabletop goodies, this event is big and right around the corner from Adepticon. Focusing the lens on some of GW’s specialist games, there are still some exciting things for Necromunda and Warhammer Underworlds that were previewed!

Necromunda’s House of Blades Expansion

necromunda house of blades 1House of Blades is a new gang book for Necromunda that offers unparalleled resources for Escher gamers and lore-lovers alike. As well as detailing the history of this gang in a level never seen before, it looks to the future with new rules, house allegiances, gangers and even their pets! 

We first saw GW expand into the Goliath gang with the House of Chains book. But now it looks like Eschers are next in line for their second pass of rules and models.

necromunda house roadmap graphicStaying right on track for GW’s expansion roadmap, the House of Blades is coming for Q2 of 2020. If you’re trying to figure out where your gang sits, we know that the Orlocks and Van Saar will also be getting covered before the year ends so sit tight!

Cawdor, Enforcers & Eschers!

necromunda escher death maidensAlong with a new book, Escher gangs are also getting some dope new minis. These are Death Maidens- dead Eschers that have literally been resurrected through different drug concoctions to fight for the gang once again. Just taking a shot in the dark at their rules, they’ll probably be very elite and might even put off negative leadership auras around them.

Shoot, similar to the Corpse Grinders, they might also require a cool check to even shoot at. They’re definitely spooky.

necromunda escher wyld runnersTaking on another look for the Eschers, these are Wyld Runners. Explorers for the gang that uses quieter, more conventional weapons like bows and whips. They’ll probably even faster than normal Eshcers and may be able to infiltrate up the board.

necromunda pet phelynxFinally, Eschers are also getting a wave of pets called the Phelynx. These are like a weird cross between a cat and a dinosaur.

Stepping back and looking at the recent Necromunda support overall, GW has definitely been pumping the game full of content, bringing it up to being one of the most intricate, colorful games to play out there. At this point, there’s probably a gang for everyone. Plus, there are so many different ways to kit your dudes for your missions, it’s never dull.

Extra Necromunda Support Previewed: Cawdor, Enforcers & More

necromunda escher wyld runners 2Even after all the GAMA previews, we’ve also just been hit by a second wave of Necromunda previews, shedding even more light on the Eschers. However, it doesn’t stop there. There’s also more on the way for Cawdor and the Enforcers.

necromunda escher priannaWe even got a pict-capture of one of the Escher Chem-matrons – her name is Prianaa, but she’s better known as Pick-me-up

During the second wave of Necromunda previews, some artwork for a chem dealer called Prianna was also teased. It looks like Eschers might be coming in heavy with a load of new drugs at their disposal in this next release. We also got a preview of one of the drug effects to help the girls keep a cool head in battle.

necromunda ice cold


necromunda cawdor rattus tatterskinFor Cawdor fans, Rattus Tatterskin was previewed rocking a heavy stubber and some rat “advisors”.

This is Rattus Tatterskin. He claims that his rats whisper instructions from the Emperor, so we can add blasphemy to a pretty long list of violence. Be careful, he’s pretty handy with that heavy stubber and those rats will give you a nasty nip if you get too close.

necromunda enforcer servalen 1


necromunda enforcer servalen 2We’ve had word from the Provost Marshal that Scrutinator-Primus Servalen is heading downhive. I think that her reputation precedes her, but just in case you ain’t heard, she’s a null. That means she shuts down any nearby wyrds. I don’t know if she’s after any specific suspects down here, but don’t complain too much if she joins your patrol and takes one of your collars. I wouldn’t be surprised to see her operating with any law-abiding House gang either. She’s got her trusty Cyber-Mastiff, KB-88, with her too, so that should help deal with all of those rats and Venom Cats out there.

And finally for the Enforcers, a new character and her cyber pup are going to be hitting the gang rosters as well. Sevralen and her KB-88 are looking to be the next release for the Enforcers. The fact that Sevralen is a null and will be able to shut down Wyrds is pretty huge. We’re excited to see exactly what her rules will be like.

Daughters of Khaine Come to Warhammer Underworlds

warhammer underworlds daughters of khaine Morgwaeth’s Blade CovenLater this year, Morathi’s chosen servants will arrive in Beastgrave with a warband that boils down this iconic army into its most distinctive elements – crazed cultists, shadowy mutants and one very deadly Hag Queen. Known as Morgwaeth’s Blade-Coven, this warband will bring the fast, tactical and gory play style of the Daughters of Khaine to your competitive battles. 

Finally, for all the Daughters of Khaine fans out there, your Warband is coming this year! And even if you’re not the biggest fan of Warhammer underworlds, these models would make outstanding pieces to your bigger collection. You can make some heroes and others leaders for your units.

After we’ve had a closer look at GW’s specialist game support coming later in the year, what are you most excited about?