Wait, Did GW Just Reveal Deathwatch May Be Next Now?

deathwatch venerable dreadnoughtNot to get anyone’s hopes up, but GW’s latest Saga of the Beast teaser short story featured the Deathwatch with a tie to the Space Wolves.

Warhammer Community dropped another short story recently honing in on a Space Wolf in a Deathwatch company. And after reading it all, there are a few questions that remained unanswered.

But before we get carried away that Deathwatch MAY another faction to get rules in Saga of the Beast just remember that GW included Death Guard in a teaser story for the Greater Good, only for them not to be included in the book when it released.

war of the spider factions

While it would make sense to see DW in the Saga of the Beast because of the Xenos component, there are still several Xenos factions missing from the Psychic Awakening series. With War of the Spider on the way, we could see more on the Deathwatch then as well.

Psychic Awakening Story Brings Deathwatch Into the Fold

DeathwatchWe definitely recommend you read the story for yourself. We’ll just be going over the highlights in this post. But to give you the cliff notes, a Space Wolf in a Deathwatch company had a dream about his brothers being killed in a massive battle with a beast. He wakes up from the dream and realizes that it was a call from the spirits, directing him to help his brothers. Long story short, he gets into an argument with his battle-brothers until his Watch Captain steps in and lets him return to his Chapter to help them fight what’s coming ahead.

Now there are a few key points to take away from the story. One major one being:

 ‘The Wolves are in peril, brother-sergeant,’ Tor (Whitetail) said, disturbing Caddon’s meditations. ‘We must lend aid.’

This could very well be the first teaser we’ve seen for a third faction to hit the Saga of the Beast. From the fluff perspective, it would also make total sense for the Deathwatch to jump into the fight, especially if they sent one of their Wolves back to his Chapter and they end up calling for help.

We know Orks are also coming in the book and the Deathwatch specialize in wiping out Xenos. Right away, those are two green checks to Deathwatch coming in the next book.

white scars chaplainAnother note to make is that the Ghasubai, the Watch Captain who comes from the White Scars might’ve dropped a hint into how the fight would play out. Essentially saying “we have to work together to survive” but in a WAY more White Scar way, the Space Wolves and Deathwatch may launch a cooperative assault against the Orks in the next book…

‘Many would wonder why such mighty beasts as the hawk and eagle do not fly alone, free from the bonds of servitude,’ Ghasubai continued. ‘True, the hawk would soar free, but the harshness of the Chogorian steppes would soon reveal itself as rival predators challenged it at every turn. Thus, the harmony of Human, horse and hawk is a coalescence that has mastered its environment to become the apex predator of Chogoris.’ Ghasubai looked to the Space Wolf. ‘Harmony is how Humanity will survive, Tor. We all know the price that was paid when brother fought brother; our enemies grew in strength when our paths diverged. Without harmony, we will stumble across the plains of this galaxy until exhaustion claims us, and nought is left but emaciated scraps for the jackals.’

Now here’s the kicker.

GW Hit us With a Red Herring Once Before…

death guard walIf you remember back to the Greater Good previews, we saw Death Guard turning up left and right in short stories. We all thought that the Tau were running from a Death Guard invasion and ended up in a bad neighborhood filled with GSC. Despite a detailed look from multiple stories toward the Death Guard, the final look revealed that Death Guard had nothing to do with the release.

The Imperial Guard swooped in out of nowhere and made the slot for the book.

Of course, Death Guard fans roasted GW for a little bit. 

death guard herring 1


death guard herring 2


death guard herring 3


death guard herring 4It’s important to keep in mind that this could be happening in Saga of the Beast. The Deathwatch has the potential to pop up in the book, but they could also just be a red herring. We’ll honestly have to wait and see what future stories look like right down to the official rules previews that are ahead.

So do you think the Deathwatch and Space Wolves could join forces to fight some Orks? Why didn’t the Deathwatch help the Blood Angels in Devastation of Baal? 

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