Heretic Custodes Rules: What Fabius’ New Creations May Be

fabius bile walThe spotlight has been on Fabius lately, and now after seeing him do surgery on Custodes, what would those new heretic stats look like?

Fabius Bile is going to be the next star for GW in Psychic Awakening. With a new model and increasingly revealing short stories from Warhammer Community, they’ll be pushing the lore more around this guy. In case you missed it, Fabius Bile was spotted on Cadia fighting Death Guard and Nurgle in a video. In one of the last shots of the video from Warhammer TV, you can see him operating on a fallen Custode after his Servitors gathered scraps from the battlefield.

What’s the Likelihood of Fabius Bringing a New Unit to 40k?

fabius bile cadia 3Before we talk about this proposed statline of a new unit, we have to ask ourselves, “what’s the likelihood we’ll see a new unit?” Well, prospects are looking good for a couple of reasons.

For starters, Fabius said in the video, “The galaxy will once again witness the undeniable genius of Fabius Bile” while he’s elbow deep in a Custode chest. If we had to guess, he’s not looking for gold in there.

psychic awakening war of the spiderAnother thing to think about is that Warhammer Community mentioned the factions that would be in the War of the Spider. Of those factions, they mentioned that Fabius might have gathered enough pieces to start his own faction called the Agents of Bile

So with these two nuggets to go off of, we can only imagine that he’ll be splicing Death Guard and Custodes together. Let’s looks at a rough spitball of what its statline would look like.

Heretic Custodes Rules: What Fabius New Creations May Be

infested terrain 1If you’re a fan of Starcraft, the first thing that might come to your mind are the infested Terran. These were Marines that got corrupted and had some Zerg DNA spliced into their DNA via an evolutionary virus, making these supersoldiers. While it’s not quite the same as a man literally sewing parts of two soldiers together, you get the idea that they’re going to be grotesque (thanks to Nurgle) and exceptionally strong (Thanks to the Custodes).

So what could the stats look like?

Proposed Fabius’ Creation Stats

infested terrain 2Well, here’s what we could see:

M 5″   WS 3+   BS 3+   S5   T5   W2  A2  Ld 8  Sv 3+

We took an inch off of the movement because something that’s just undergone a stupid amount of surgery is probably going to shamble more than anything. Plus, WS/BS are going to be a little worse since the Custode isn’t fully a Custode anymore. S5/T5 because of the amount of muscle from both soldiers (and Nurgle’s blessing from the Death Guard). We also took a wound off from the usual Custode’s 3 wounds because anything that’s been spliced is probably going to be a little weaker/squishy. The same can be said about the attacks and Save characteristics as well. However, with the Death Guard to think about, we could be seeing a 5+++ FNP also.

For the weapon:

Custodes have a pretty boss weapon. A S4 -1 AP 2 damage bolter spear also fits the bill for GW’s slow introduction of two-damage weapons across all factions to help deal with Primaris. We honestly may not see any change there. However, depending on how gross Fabius decides to make these guys, we could see them be able to one-hand the weapon and have something like a big ol’ nasty Nurgle fist ready to deliver a Sx2 AP -2 D3 damage swing.

These Units Will More Than likely Be Few in Number

poxwalkerIf we had to guess, these units are also probably going to be more elite. It would make sense from a lore standpoint. (Fabius is just one man so he can only make so many) as well as the fact that salvageable materials may be hard to come by. It turns out in a universe where basic footsoldier ammunition is still a rocket, there aren’t many remains left of the target after impact.

After talking about all this, it’s important that we don’t get our hopes up too high. We’ve seen GW hype releases in the past (like the Deathwatch Rules support) that turns out to be pretty lackluster. However, here’s to hoping that we see a new unit make Fabius’ Agents of Bile faction unique!

What do you think about our proposed statline? Can you think of a fair points cost for something like that? What battlefield role do you think they’ll fill?

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