All The New Engine War Admech 40k Rules

engine war ad mechThe Admech got an update for real, here are all the new Warhammer 40k rules that are coming our way in Psychic Awakening Engine War!

Warhammer Community dropped some of the new 40k rules coming inside Engine War for Adeptus Mechanics earlier in the week, but here’s everything else that’s coming our way on June 6th that was spotted on multiple Facebook groups

New Engine War Admech 40k Rules

From the Table of Contents, we knew we were getting Stratagems, name generators, datasheets, updated points, customizable Forge World/Knight Households, and more. It was a little difficult to tell what some things were based on their title below, but the new rules are here now!

engine war table of contents

For starters, Engine War is going to be the Psychic Awakening Book with the most amount of points printed yet. We’ve seen Primaris characters make their way to Blood of Baal and Ritual of the Damned, but Ad Mech is getting a handful of new units with all their points. That means for the Ad Mech players wanting to use their new toys, this book is going to be pretty important.

It also looks like they’re getting two pages worth of Warlord Traits and Stratagems as well as maybe some kind of update to the Canticles of the Omnissiah.

Adeptus Mechanicus: The Biggest Support Wave Yet

archaeopter stratoraptor transvector adeptus mechanicus 40k open dayFor the Adeptus Mechanicus, they’re getting a batch of fresh rules on top of a handful of new kits. This is by far the biggest support wave we’ve seen GW give anyone in Psychic Awakening as the Adeptus Mechanicus got a ton of new 40k datasheets.

New Adeptus Mechanicus 40k Rules Datasheets

Be sure to look back at our post about all the Datasheets the Admech are getting from earlier below as well!

Admech Datasheets

admech archaeopter walEngine War introduces the option for you to create your own forge world for your Adeptus Mechanicus force to hail from. You then get to select a primary and secondary ability to make a new dogma for your world.

They’ve probably broken two tables down in Primary and Secondary rules to help keep things balanced. Some are probably way more powerful than others and wanted to keep players from picking the top rules always.

dogmas 1

Radiant Disciples is really strong. But where it’s usefulness falls off is that it’s only for INFANTRY. If your Skorpius Disintegrators and Dunecrawlers turned a S8 melta into S7, that would be ridiculous. Omnissiah’s Shield is another good one to use in conjunction with Radiant Disciples if you want your Infantry to stick to the board as much as possible. However, you definitely wouldn’t pick these if you’re planning on using a heavily-mechanized force.

Dogmas 2As for the second page, Autosavant Spirits could be game-winning if you have a vehicle heavy list to benefits from the constant healing. Otherwise, if you only have a couple it would be mediocre at best.

Admech Getting New Forge World Canticles

We spotted all these new forge world rules on Imgur from a user named Glarrg.

new forgeworlds

If you want to stick with the main Forge Worlds, there are some new Canticles coming your way. For Mars, Panegyric Procession is pretty disgusting. This is almost equivalent to the Iron Hands Devastator Doctrine bonus. Ignoring heavy and increasing the Strength by 1 will be able to give the army a brutal turn of being able to crack open armor.

For Stygies, Plea of the Veiled Hunter is basically the Ultramarines Chapter Tactic with a mechanical reskin. Still good nonetheless.

New Holy Order Warlord Traits

admech wal hor New 40k Rules For Admech & GSC Kill Team Characters!Whichever forge world your forces are from, you can now join in the political machinations of the Adeptus Mechanicus. If your Warlord joins one of the four Holy Orders, they will be able to select the associated Warlord Trait. Each Holy Order gives you a choice of three abilities to select at the start of one of your turns. Throw in your lot in with the Magi to get these abilities.


admech holy order warlord traitA Warlord Trait with three abilities for you to select is already a solid bonus. But giving you the choice of exploding 6’s to hit, rolling charges, or rolling 2D6 and picking the highest to advance is something that any army can use. This is more than likely going to be a hot pick. Just remember- don’t build a list around this guy because Snipers will be all over him like stink on $@*%.

Fabrications of the Artisan

fab of the artisanThe three auras available to Artisan are ok. The best is most likely going to be Exquisite Calibrations as it will be more useful is most situations. The other two have more specific applications.

Learnings of the Genetor

learn of the geneFor the Learnings of the Generator, the options are even more specific. The only option to sit on for more than one use is probably Excoriated Fear-Responses, auto passing morale is always good if you are playing infantry/squad-based lists.

Analyses of the Logos

analyses of the logosAnalyses of the Logos is probably the worst. However, if you face a super Psychic heavy army, then Empyric Prognosis is a solid option. 50% chance to ignore mortals is great in that scenario.

New Stratagems Revealed

admech strat 1Steelrain Fusillade offers support for the Skystalkers (S3 assault 5 guns), you can pop a CP and have a unit become “suppressed”. This is a slightly worse rule from what the Primaris Suppressors have as they turn off overwatch. However, subtracting all the hit rolls from a suppressed unit is decent in the right circumstance. It can hurt armies like Tau, Orks, and Guard who have 50/50 or worse BS.

admech strat 2Electro-Filament Countermeasures is a 1CP “turn off your Chapter Master rerolls” or a 1CP “turn off your Chaplain Litanies”. This should most certainly see play. For 1CP, turning off an invuln aura or any kind of reroll is huge.

Although there is some real power in this Stratagem, the unit causing this will more than likely be focus-fired into next week. To get the max benefits from it on your turn, you’ll probably only want to use this on units that are putting off an invulnerable save aura like Deredeos, Knights, and Big Meks.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for all the new rules coming inside Psychic Awakening’s Engine War for Ademech, we’ll have the rest for you shortly!

What do you think about the new 40k rules that the Admech are getting in Engine War?

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