9th Edition 40k Box Set Art & Hidden Primaris!

Primaris wal hor space marines power armorThe 9th Edition 40k Starter Box Set is on the way and now we’ve got a look at the cover art for that, the new rulebook and more. Check this out!

We saw a bunch of  9th Edition hotness along with a bundle of new Space Marines and some insane new Necron models not too long ago. Since then, we’ve seen two smaller faction pictures of Necrons and Space Marines that heavily seem to suggest the contents of a Box Set. This is the same kind of vibe we got from the Dark Imperium Box Set when 8th Edition rolled around.

Moving forward, we saw Warhammer Community as well as the GW team on Twitch preview the artwork for some upcoming releases in 9th Edition. Before we jump into the very latest, here is what you should get caught up on.

Previous Faction Pictures Suggest A Box Set

necron 9th edition previewThis image of what could be the Necron side of a Starter Set was also data-mined from the same source. Of the new units excluding the two characters in robes and the giant walker, the big three-legged things in the back are called Skorpekh Destroyers and the little bug thing perched next to them is a Plasmacyte.

Necrons are in a bit of a grey area as there are a bunch of new models to their faction completely overhauling the army. Whether these could be ETB/Mono-pose in a Box Set is a mystery. However, if one half is mono-pose, then it would make sense for the other half to be as well.


One VERY big hint toward these two groups of models being in a Box Set is that this gaggle of Necrons was pulled from a larger army preview. The models from the data-mined picture do not seem to be in the official GW colorized version above.

Could that be a clear sign of a Box Set on the Way as GW seems to be differentiating two sets of models, almost like there will be a Starter set release, and a multipart kit set release just like we saw with Dark Imperium three years ago.

Looking Into the Model Count

primaris 9th edition previewFor the Primaris, we’ve got six/seven squads and twenty-four models.

necron 9th edition previewFor the Necrons, it’s difficult to tell how big these new units will be model count-wise, but our guess is that they are showing about nine squads and thirty models

DarkImperiumContentsUsing the 8th Edition announcement Box Set, Dark Imperium, it had six squads and thirty-one models for Death Guard. For the Primaris, there were eight squads and twenty-two models.

Sure, the numbers don’t exactly match up with what’s been previewed for the Primaris or Necrons exactly. However, Necrons aren’t as “elite” of a faction as Death Guard either. All things considered, the numbers are VERY close.

8th Edition Box 2Plus, speaking of the Dark Imperium Box Set, we saw that all of these units dropped as Mono-pose at first and came out with multi-part kits later on.

New Warhammer 9th Edition Box Set Previews Coming This Saturday

whc box set previewOn Saturday, you’ll be able to catch the next Warhammer Preview Online! Last month, we revealed the new edition of Warhammer 40,000. This time, we have something else amazing for you – the upcoming boxed set. We’ll be lifting the lid and showing off the awesome models and more that the launch box contains – so make sure that you join us from 2 pm (BST). We think this is the best Warhammer 40,00 boxed set that we’ve ever made, so don’t miss it! 

That’ll be 9:00 AM EST and 6:00 AM PST for all of our US readers. The preview will be taking place on Twitch and we’ll be covering it all as it drops.

Do The New Previews Also Confirm This Old Pic?

primaris units rumor pic 1We’ll be taking a closer look at Vehicles, monstrous creatures, blast weapons and terrain, as well as previewing rules from War of the Spider.

Not only did they mention taking a look at a new Box Set. But they’ll be taking a look at new vehicles, monstrous creatures, weapons and terrain! Now, speaking of vehicles and other goodies, and with Primaris Bikes looking to be confirmed out of this old mystery Primaris pic, we may be seeing even more like the Primaris Land Speeder/ Baal Predator get shown too!

Now here’s the latest from the Twitch Stream:

GW Reveals 9th Edition 40k Box Set, Rulebook Cover Art & More!

9th edition book coverPreviewed first on Warhammer TV’s Twitch, we’ve got the rulebook cover for 9th Edition. If you’re wondering, no Guilliman isn’t flying and those the little winglets he has already we think. It’s just an artist’s rendering of good and evil and the state of the Imperium currently.

9th edition box set artOn top of the rulebook art, we’ve also got the new 9th Edition Box Set art. With a bunch of Necrons in the background, there’s the big bad Primaris power sword duder in color as well.

A Hidden Primaris?

40k art primaris ancientOne really important note to make is that if you were watching the Twitch Stream, Adam Troke mentioned this guy on the left being the Primaris Ancient. 

primaris ancientIf you looked carefully, we’ve also already seen this guy to be coming in what we expect to be the Primaris-half of the Box Set. Now, if he is a Primaris Ancient, which the GW team mentioned him being, then that would explain why we never saw a Primaris Ancient model release outside of Dark Imperium.

Ultramarines Ancient 8thMaybe GW never released him because they were redesigning him for this moment.

As time goes on and more previews drop, we’re beginning to see more and more depth to the upcoming releases. Keep your eyes on the horizon as we move closer into the week and eventually, into the Saturday previews!

What do you think about the new Primaris Ancient model? Do you care about a 9th Edition 40k box set art at all? Could those mystery Primaris vehicles be legit?

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