New 40k Space Marine Primaris Model Sprue Pics!

primaris-sprues-40k-starter-box-set-9thDon’t miss how cool these new Primaris Space Marine models look on the sprue in the pics GW revealed from the new 9th Edition 40k box set!

The BIG online 40k GW Preview for the new 9th Edition box set is here! Games Workshop is revealing their latest news and previews on Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community today!

warhammer 40k previewSure, we’ve seen a few teasers about new 40k here and there over the past weeks, however here’s the latest straight from GW now!

Indomitus box armiesWhile this isn’t technically an official box count, we can pretty assume it is. As we can see without going too in-depth we see 2-3 troop squads, 2-3 elites, 2-3 characters, and then some (we are looking at you, giant walker) for EACH side! This box is looking to be massive.

According to GW there is a ton of value packed in this box:

In case you lost track, that’s 61 push-fit miniatures, 1 exclusive launch edition Core Book, the assembly guide and transfer sheet, and the Edge of Silence book with all the rules for your models. We actually packed it so full that we couldn’t fit any dice or tape measures inside – but we know you already have some.  

Check out the profile view of the contents from the Instruction manual, and transfer sheet!

40k 9th starter box instruction sheetThey also indicated this is not for starting out, this box is for existing players and collectors of Warhammer 40k.

Here a closer look at the new 40k Space Marine Primaris Model sprue pics!

Primaris Captain

primaris captain white


Primaris Captain sprue

Primaris Lieutenant

Primaris Lieutenant white


primaris lieutenant sprue

Primaris Chaplain

Primaris Chaplain white


primaris chaplain sprue


Judiciar white


Judiciar sprue

Bladeguard Veterans

Bladeguard Veterans white


Bladeguard Veteran sprue

Bladeguard Ancient

Bladeguard Ancient white


Bladeguard Ancient sprue


Eradicators white


Eradicators sprue

Assault Intercessor Squad

Assault Intercessor Squad white


Assault Intercessor Squad sprue


Outriders white


Bikes sprue

Overall it looks like from these pics, both sides of the new 9th edition box set will have 5 sprues total, with one of them being a duplicate like the Assault Primaris Marines above!

Are you looking forward to the new Space Marine model releases?  How much do you think these models will cost?


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