BREAKING: Space Marines Get Two Wounds 40k Rule!

space-marines-new-rules-40k-2-woundsFrom zeros to heroes the Space Marines are back with what looks to be an army-wide new two wounds rule in 9th Edition 40k!

U/themoobster on Reddit posted pic of a Veteran squad and their updated rules datasheet for 9th Edition 40k. Sit back and check out this shocking update to the basic Space Marines statline.

First, we saw new Terminator rules, and now their smaller brothers are getting an update too!

Amazing New Rules Spotted For 9th Edition 40k Terminators!

terminator datasheet updatesThere are a few key points to make about this pic. For starters, Terminators look to be going up to 3 wounds each. Whew, that’s huge! But it gets better. The Heavy Flamer they can be given was also bumped up to a 12″ range and their Powerfist is now 2-dmg flat.

It’s also worth noting that it looks like this datasheet has a small error in it not showing any (-AP) value for the Chainfist. We all know it’s AP -4 but still. The power sword for the Terminator was also given a +1 Strength bonus, which is nice.

We’ve been seeing Terminator-heavy lists placing in the top 3 leaderboards of recent 9th Edition tournaments and they’ve been operating on the 2-wound, non updated weapon profiles. If they’re already seeing play now but this update is coming (which makes them straight up better across the board), it’ll be interesting to see how much more popular they get.


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Space Marines Get Two Wounds 40k Rule!

vanguard veteran squad datasheet updateSo this is huge. We’ve been seeing these reformatted instruction sheets steadily popping up for Necrons and Space Marines over the past few weeks showing updates to stats and wargear. However, this is the first time we’ve seen anything on the regular Space Marines. Looking at the changes, we’ve got:

  • +1 Wounds
  • Chainsword also -1AP
  • +1 damage on Thunder Hammer
  • Relic Blade changed to 2 damage instead of D3
  • Power Fist also updated to 2 damage instead of D3
  • +1 Strength on Power Sword
  • +1 Strength on Power Axe

The biggest change is the +1 Wound on a regular Marine but those wargear updates are a little bonkers as well…a four damage Thunder Hammer…WHAT? We also thought that the -1AP profile on Chainswords was for Primaris only…since you know, the sword is literally bigger than a human body.

It’s not clear if this is a misprint or not but assuming regular Marines are going to two wounds per model as well, what in the world is the point of Primaris? They literally have less wargear options and are more difficult to transport. It’ll be interesting to see what develops further in the days ahead.

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What do you think about basic Marines going up to two wounds? Are you surprised to see so many buffs to their wargear options as well?

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