9th Edition 40k is in full swing and some kits are skyrocketing in price on secondary markets like eBay, as GW tries to keep up production.
Even before 9th Edition 40k hit, some of the more popular units have sold out on GW’s webstore. Now with 40k being bigger than ever it seems like some people don’t mind paying a serious premium to get their hands on kits through the secondary market.
Whether due to supply chain issues from the global pandemic, or a lack of forecasting on GW’s part, tons of kits, including just basic troop boxes, and quickly approaching double price premiums on sites like eBay.
We’ll be going over a few examples here to watch out for…
GW Kits Are Skyrocketing on the Secondary Market
The plain jane Battle Sisters Troop choice kit which normally sells for $60 on GW’s webstore is going for crazy prices online. Look at some of these eBay listings:
These are just two listings of Battle Sister squads that have sold for 1.5x the amount that GW normally charges. Seriously these ten models are selling for the same price as an entire Start Collecting.
For the Allarus Custodes that normally go for $50, they became extremely popular after multiple players placed at the tops of the leaderboards running these guys. GW dried up but it’s a seller’s market on eBay for sure…
Once again, all of these kits are going for about 1.5x the cost of a regular box, and some, like the once again popular jetbikes, are just downright ridiculous.
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Another big one is the Terminator Squads. They sell for $54 on GW’s webstore but after they were previewed getting an extra wound and a mighty wargear boost, people began buying them up like crazy.
What’s the point of showing you all of this? Well, if you’re one of those players that stashes boxes away into your pile of shame, you may be motivated to part with a couple of kits. Especially after seeing the price that some people are willing to pay!
What are your thoughts on these skyrocketing prices on gw kits? Have you been selling off some of your collection because of the demand?
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